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How to drilldown Map layers in WinRT application?

1 min read

MapLayers can be drilldown by using the following steps,

Step1: Create a Maps Sample and include the necessary script files

Step2: Maps enable drilldown by clicking on the map region.When Shape gets Selected, Using BaseMapIndex the initial layer loaded in map.


 <maps:SfMap EnableZoom="False" EnablePan="False" x:Name="map" ShowCoords="False">


<maps:ShapeFileLayer MapPopupVisibility="Collapsed" Background="#FFF4F4F4"

ItemsSource="{Binding Models}" ShapeIDPath="Continent" ShapeIDTableField="Continent"

EnableSelection="True" Uri="SalesAnalysisDemo.ShapeFile.continent.shp" >

<maps:ShapeFileLayer.ItemsTemplate> <DataTemplate>

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" IsHitTestVisible="False" >

                <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" Foreground="#FF333333" Text="{Binding Data.Continent}"/>

                <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" Foreground="#FF333333" Text="{Binding Data.DisplaySalesValue}"/>





  <maps:ShapeFileLayer MapItemsVisibility="Collapsed" ShapeIDPath="Country"

MapPopupVisibility="Visible" Background="#FFF4F4F4" ShapeIDTableField="Country"

PopupCustomTemplate="{StaticResource PopupKey}" ItemsSource="{Binding SalesByCountry}"




void Maps_ShapesSelected(object sender, SelectionEventArgs args)


            SalesByContinet salesByContinent = ((args.Items as ObservableCollection<MapShape>)[0].DataContext as SalesByContinet);

            if (salesByContinent != null)


                if (salesByContinent.Continent == "Africa")


           = 6;


                else if (salesByContinent.Continent == "Oceania")


           = 1;




The following screenshot shows the drilldown of maplayers





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