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How to solve the Android resources issue in Xamarin.Forms

1 min read

The android resource generation issue will occur because of anyone of the following reasons.


  • Resource generation failures from the Android Support Libraries when building a project.
  • Mismatch in the version of Xamarin NuGet amongst the projects.


Making changes based on the below points should fix the problem.


  • Ensure to keep your “Android SDK tools, Android Support libraries, Android SDK Platform-tools and Android SDK Build tools” up to date in your SDK Manager.
  • Xamarin recommends the NuGet packages to be inline in order to avoid potential issues. We recommend you to install the exact version of Xamarin NuGet supported by Syncfusion in the .net standard or shared project and the renderer projects of your sample.
  • Also, ensure no other version of Xamarin NuGets were installed in any of your .net standard or shared project and renderer projects. Clean and rebuild the project before running it. You can see the software requirements of Syncfusion controls from our read me information.



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