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How to create Carousel sample in Xamarin.Android Carousel platform?

3 mins read

Carousel control allows navigating through image data in an interactive way so that they can be viewed or selected. Also, provides various customization options for its item arrangements. We can get the view of Carousel in Xamarin.Forms UWP platform from any one of the following ways,

  1. Using CarouselItem
  2. Using ItemTemplate


The below illustrates how to create the carousel control in Xamarin.Forms UWP platforms.


Needed assemblies:

For getting the view of carousel control, need to add the following assemblies in both PCL and UWP in Xamarin.



Assemblies required







  1. Create a carousel control using CarouselItem


public partial class KBSolutionPage : ContentPage
public KBSolutionPage()
    SfCarousel sfCarousel = new SfCarousel();
    sfCarousel.ItemWidth = 170;
    sfCarousel.ItemHeight = 250;
    ObservableCollection<SfCarouselItem> collectionOfItems = new ObservableCollection<SfCarouselItem>();
    collectionOfItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "images1.png" });
    collectionOfItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "images2.png" });
    collectionOfItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "images3.png" });
    collectionOfItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "images4.png" });
    collectionOfItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "images5.png" });
    collectionOfItems.Add(new SfCarouselItem() { ImageName = "images6.png" });
    sfCarousel.DataSource = collectionOfItems;
    this.Content = sfCarousel;


  1. Create a carousel control using ItemTemplate


public partial class KBSolutionPage : ContentPage
public KBSolutionPage()
    SfCarousel sfCarousel = new SfCarousel();
    sfCarousel.ItemWidth = 170;
    sfCarousel.ItemHeight = 250;
    var carouselModel = new List<CarouselModel> {
            new CarouselModel ("image1.png"),
            new CarouselModel ("image2.png"),
            new CarouselModel ("image3.png"),
            new CarouselModel ("image4.png"),
            new CarouselModel ("image5.png")
    var carouselModelDataTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
        var grid = new Grid();
        var nameLabel = new Image();
        nameLabel.SetBinding(Image.SourceProperty, "Image");
        return grid;
    sfCarousel.ItemTemplate = carouselModelDataTemplate;
    sfCarousel.DataSource = carouselModel;
    this.Content = sfCarousel;
public class CarouselModel
public CarouselModel(string imagestr)
    Image = imagestr;
private string _image;
public string Image
    get { return _image; }
    set { _image = value; }







I hope you enjoyed learning about how to create Carousel sample in Xamarin.Forms platform.

You can refer to our Xamarin.Android Carousel feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations and documentation, and how to quickly get started for configuration specifications.

For current customers, you can check out our components from the License and Downloads page. If you are new to Syncfusion, you can try our 30-day free trial to check out our other controls.

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