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How to programatically obtain the Column name and Order of Sorting no matter on clicking the GridGroupingControl Columns?

1 min read


To obtain the column name and order of sorting by clicking the column name when the GridControl is grouped by any of the column, the SortedItemsInGroup event can be used to obtain this. Please refer the below code snippet which illustrates this:


this.GridGroupingControl1.SortedItemsInGroup += new GroupEventHandler(GridGroupingControl1_SortedItemsInGroup);

void GridGroupingControl1_SortedItemsInGroup(object sender, GroupEventArgs e)


SortColumnDescriptorCollection collection = e.Group.Details.ParentTableDescriptor.SortedColumns;

foreach (SortColumnDescriptor sort in collection)


//Get the name of Sorted Columns

this.TextBox1.Text +=" " + sort.GetName();

//Get the Direction

this.TextBox1.Text += " " + sort.SortDirection;




AddHandler GridGroupingControl1.SortedItemsInGroup, AddressOf GridGroupingControl1_SortedItemsInGroup

Private Sub GridGroupingControl1_SortedItemsInGroup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GroupEventArgs)

Dim collection As SortColumnDescriptorCollection = e.Group.Details.ParentTableDescriptor.SortedColumns

For Each sort As SortColumnDescriptor In collection

'Get the name of Sorted Columns

Me.TextBox1.Text &= " " & sort.GetName()

'Get the Direction

Me.TextBox1.Text &= " " & sort.SortDirection

Next sort

End Sub


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