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How to set the height of GridGroupingControl through clientside ?

1 min read


To set the height of GridGroupingControl through client side the following steps has to be followed:

  • Search for DIV tag and iterate through the collection of DIV tag to find the GridGroupControl using the ID.
  • Apply the appropriate styles(Height in this sceanrio) to the GridGroupingControl.

Please refer the below code snippet which illustrates this:

var prevHeight=0;

function ChangeHeight()


//Gets the element inside the DIV tag

var getElement=document.getElementsByTagName("div");

//iterate through the collection of DIV to find the GridGroupingcontrol

for(var i=0;i<=getelement.length;i++)


//checks if the currentelement is gridgroupingcontrol



//iterates through the table inside div tag

//apply the style for the appropriate gridgroupingcontrol

var getelement=getelement[i].getelementsbytagname("table");

for(var j=0;j<=getelement.length;j++)


//Apply the Height and fontweight for the GridGroupinControl








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