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How to save changes made in the Grid to the database using the .Net 2.0 DataSource controls?

1 min read


Here is a description on how datasource gets updated when the grid is bound to a 2.0 DataSourceControl.

a) The following properties in the DataSourceControl should be set to valid values:

  • UpdateCommand - For updates to work
  • DeleteCommand - For record deletes to work
  • InsertCommand - For adding new records

b) The PrimaryKeyColumns should be set to the right values. And the DataBind should be called in the Page_Init.

When the user edits/deletes/inserts records, the changes will be saved immedietly into the datasource using the corresponding commands specified above. If any command is not specified or improperly set, then an exception will be thrown when the user edits, deletes or inserts records.

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