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How to modify space between each rating item.?

1 min read

To provide spacing to Rating, follow the given steps:

Step 1: Create the Rating sample and include the necessary source files.

Step 2: First create an instance for Rating.

Step 3: By using the object, set itemSpacing property to any numeric value. And set the Contentview.

Step 4: And by using StackLayout add the children rating.

Code snippet:

public class Rating
    public Rating()
        SfRating  rating = new SfRating();
        rating.ItemSpacing = 30;
        this.Content = GetRating();
    private StackLayout GetRating()
        var mainStack = new StackLayout
 Children = { rating }
          return mainStack;


The following image shows spacing of Rating:

SfRating ItemSpacing

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