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How to update parent record based on child records’ value

2 mins read

There may be a case where the parent record’s fields must be updated based on child records’ fields during adding, editing and deleting actions. And this can be achieved in TreeGrid using the below client side events,

  • rowDataBound: This event will be triggered while rendering each row
  • actionComplete: This event will be triggered after adding and deleting action.
  • endEdit: This event will be triggered after editing a cell or row.

The below code example explains how to update the parent record while initial load and after add and edit actions.

<div id="TreeGridContainer" style="height:400px;width:100%"></div>    
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
dataSource: projectData,
rowDataBound: rowDataBound,
actionComplete: actionComplete,
function rowDataBound(args) {
//Updating the parent record’s duration and end date in initial load and in adding action
var currentRecord =,
parentItem = currentRecord.parentItem,
childRecords = parentItem && parentItem.childRecords;
if (parentItem && childRecords.indexOf(currentRecord) == childRecords.length - 1 && currentRecord.hasChildRecords === false) {
function actionComplete(args) {
// Updating the parent record’s duration and end date in delete action
if (args.requestType == "delete") {
var parentItem =;
var temp = update(parentItem);
// Updating the parent record’s duration and end date while adding a record
if (args.requestType == "addNewRow"&& args.previousValue) {
var parentItem = args.model.selectedItem.parentItem;
var temp = update(parentItem);
function endEdit(args) {
// Updating the parent record’s duration and end date after Editing            
var parentItem = args.model.selectedItem.parentItem;
var temp = update(parentItem);
function update(parentItem) {
var duration_count = 0, progress_count = 0;
if (parentItem != null) {
var endDate = [],
childRecords = parentItem.childRecords,
len = childRecords.length,
startDate_maxObj = new Date(parentItem.childRecords[0].startDate),
startDate_max = parentItem.childRecords[0].startDate;
endDate_maxObj = new Date(parentItem.childRecords[0].endDate),
endDate_max = parentItem.childRecords[0].endDate;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
//To calculate the maximum end date among child records
if (new Date(parentItem.childRecords[i].endDate) > endDate_maxObj)                   
endDate_max = parentItem.childRecords[i].endDate;
endDate_maxObj = new Date(parentItem.childRecords[i].endDate);
//To calculate the maximum start date among child records
if (new Date(parentItem.childRecords[i].startDate) > startDate_maxObj) {
startDate_max = parentItem.childRecords[i].startDate;
startDate_maxObj = new Date(parentItem.childRecords[i].startDate);
//To update the duration and progress of the Parent Item
var duration = parentItem.childRecords[i].duration,
progress = parentItem.childRecords[i].progress;
if (duration)
duration_count = duration_count + parseInt(duration);
if (progress)
progress_count = progress_count + parseInt(progress);
parentItem.duration = duration_count.toString();
parentItem.progress = progress_count;
parentItem.endDate = endDate_max;
parentItem.startDate = startDate_max;
var obj = $("#TreeGridContainer").data("ejTreeGrid");
return update(parentItem.parentItem);


Update the parent record based on child record's value.

A Sample to update the parent records with child records’ values is available in the following link,





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