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Upgrading to newer versions of NuGet Package

1 min read

Upgrading a NuGet Package in Visual Studio

Using the Manage NuGet Packages in Visual Studio, you can update NuGet packages.

  1. Right-click the Project, and navigate to the Manage NuGet Packages.

Navigating to Manage Nuget Packages menu in Xamarin.Froms

  1. Click the Updates tab. If there is a new version of NuGet, you can see it in the list of available updates. Refer to the following screenshot for more information.Selecting updates tab to check for the availability of new NuGet package versions in Xamarin.Forms
  2. Select the NuGet package in the list and click Update.Selecting the required NuGet package to be updated in Xamarin.Forms
  3. After updating the package, you can verify the updated version in Installed tab.Verification of the updated NuGet package versions in the installation tab in Xamarin.Forms

    If you select the Select all packages checkbox, all NuGet packages will be updated.

Upgrading a NuGet Package in Xamarin Studio

In Xamarin Studio, you can update the NuGet package from project navigator.

  1. Expand the Packages, and check the available updates. If any update is available, it will be intimated as shown in the following screenshot.

A screenshot of project navigator indicating nuget package update in Xamarin.Forms

  1. Right-click the package and select Update.

A screenshot of project navigator with update sub menu in Xamarin.Forms


If you right-click the Packages and select Update, then all NuGet packages will be updated.

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