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How to avoid assembly conflicts?

1 min read

How to avoid assembly conflicts?

Visual Studio throw errors when multiple version of Syncfusion assemblies or different framework version assemblies are referring in project. As Syncfusion supports Multiple Versions, you can have more than one version of Syncfusion Essential Studio installed in a machine. But Syncfusion doesn’t allows multiple version Syncfusion assemblies or different framework version assemblies in a same project.

Assembly version mismatches while manually upgrading your project references to the latest Syncfusion version by manually removing and adding the reference. While upgrading manually, you might miss some of the reference. So, assembly conflicts in this situation.

In order to avoid such conflicts, you can use the Syncfusion Project Migration utility for upgrading your project references to the latest Syncfusion version. Please refer Project Migration to know more about Syncfusion Project Migration utility.



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