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How to add title for single exporting

1 min read


The following code example shows how to add the title for exporting in excel, word and pdf documents.

  1. Render the Grid control.


<div id="Grid"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {// Document is ready.        
            dataSource: window.gridData, 
            allowPaging: true,
            toolbarSettings: { showToolbar: true, toolbarItems: [ej.Grid.ToolBarItems. .ExcelExport, ej.Grid.ToolBarItems. WordExport, ej.Grid.ToolBarItems. PdfExport] },
            columns: [
                      { field: "OrderID", headerText: "Order ID", isPrimaryKey: true, width: 100},
                      { field: "CustomerID", headerText: "Customer ID", width: 100 },
                      { field: "Freight", headerText: "Freight", width: 100, format: "{0:C}" },                      
                      { field: "ShipCountry", headerText: "Ship Country", width: 100,  }                      
  toolbarClick: function (e) {
                   this.exportGrid = this["export"];
                   if (e.itemName == "Excel Export") {
                       this.exportGrid('api/Grid/ExportToExcel ')
                       e.cancel = true;
                   else if (e.itemName == "Word Export") {
                this.exportGrid('api/Grid/ExportToWord ')
                       e.cancel = true;
                   else if (e.itemName == "PDF Export") {
                       this.exportGrid('api/Grid/ExportToPdf ')
                       e.cancel = true;




[In View]
            .ToolbarSettings(toolbar =>
                toolbar.ShowToolbar().ToolbarItems(items =>
                    items.AddTool(ToolBarItems. .ExcelExport);
                    items.AddTool(ToolBarItems. WordExport);
                    items.AddTool(ToolBarItems. PdfExport);
            .Columns(col =>
            {                        col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("OrderID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width(100).Add();
                col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer ID").Width(100).Add();                
                col.Field("ShipCountry").HeaderText("Ship Country").Width(100).Add();                
namespace EJGrid.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            var DataSource = OrderRepository.GetAllRecords();
   = DataSource;
            return View();







<ej:Grid ID="Grid" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"       OnServerWordExporting="Grid_ServerWordExporting" OnServerPdfExporting="Grid_ServerPdfExporting" OnServerExcelExporting="Grid_ServerExcelExporting">  
                        <ToolbarSettings ShowToolbar="True" ToolbarItems="excelexport,wordexport,pdfexport"></ToolbarSettings>           
               <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True"  Width="100" />                
                <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="100"/>
                <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Format="{0:C}" Width="100"/> 
                <ej:Column Field="ShipCountry" HeaderText="Ship Country" Width="100"/>                
public partial class _Default : Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Grid.DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().Orders;


2. In excel exporting, you have to add the title for the exported file by using the ActiveSheet” property of the “IWorkBook” class and then set the Range for the title using “Range” property and then added the title using “Text” property of the Range.


public void ExportToExcel(string GridModel)
            ExcelExport exp = new ExcelExport();
            ExcelEngine excel = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excel.Excel;
            var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();
            GridProperties obj = ConvertGridObject(GridModel);
           IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(2);
            //Setting multiExport as true and export the document and assigned to workbook
            workbook = exp.Export(obj, DataSource, "Export.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Excel2013,false, false, "default-theme",true);
            //Inserted new row for adding title
            //Merging the sheet from Range A1 to D1 for adding title space
            //Adding the title using Text property
            workbook.ActiveSheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Excel Grid";
            //Downloading the document
            workbook.SaveAs("Export.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response,ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog,ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2013);



 Protected void  FlatGrid_ServerExcelExporting(object sender, Syncfusion.JavaScript.Web.GridEventArgs e)
             ExcelExport exp = new ExcelExport();
             ExcelEngine excel = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excel.Excel;
            var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();
            GridProperties obj = ConvertGridObject(GridModel);
           IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(2);
            //Setting multiExport as true and export the document and assigned to workbook
            workbook = exp.Export(obj, DataSource, "Export.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Excel2013,false, false, "default-theme",true);
            //Inserted new row for adding title
            //Merging the sheet from Range A1 to D1 for adding title space
            //Adding the title using Text property
            workbook.ActiveSheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Excel Grid";
            //Downloading the document
            workbook.SaveAs("Export.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response,ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog,ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2013);


3. For word document you have to add the header using “Header” property of the “HeadersFooters” and append the text to the header using “AppendText” property.


public void ExportToWord(string GridModel)
            WordExport exp = new WordExport();
            var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();
            GridProperties obj = ConvertGridObject(GridModel);
           IWordDocument document = exp.Export(obj, DataSource, "Export.docx", false, false, "flat-lime", true);
            WParagraph para = document.Sections[0].HeadersFooters.Header.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
//Styling the header format
//Append text to the header
            para.AppendText("Grid Word");
//Downloading the document
document.Save("Export.docx",Syncfusion.DocIO.FormatType.Docx,HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response,Syncfusion.DocIO.HttpContentDisposition.Attachment);        }





Protected void  Grid_ServerWordExporting(object sender, Syncfusion.JavaScript.Web.GridEventArgs e)
            WordExport exp = new WordExport();
            var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();
            GridProperties obj = ConvertGridObject(GridModel);
           IWordDocument document = exp.Export(obj, DataSource, "Export.docx", false, false, "flat-lime", true);
            WParagraph para = document.Sections[0].HeadersFooters.Header.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
//Styling the header format
//Append text to the header
            para.AppendText("Grid Word");
//Downloading the document
document.Save("Export.docx",Syncfusion.DocIO.FormatType.Docx,HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response,Syncfusion.DocIO.HttpContentDisposition.Attachment);        }


4. For pdf document we have added header by adding the template using “PdfPageTemplateElement” class and added the title for the template using “DrawString” method.


public void ExportToPdf(string GridModel)
            PdfExport exp = new PdfExport();
           var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();
            GridProperties obj = ConvertGridObject(GridModel);
               PdfDocument pdfdocument = exp.Export(obj,     DataSource, "Export.pdf", false,false, "flat-lime",true,true);
            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(0, 0, pdfdocument.PageSettings.Width,50);
  //Create a page template
           PdfPageTemplateElement header = new PdfPageTemplateElement(rect);
           Font f = new Font("Helvetica", 8, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
           PdfFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(f, true);
          PdfSolidBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Gray);
           PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(Color.DarkBlue, 3f);
                f = new Font("Helvetica", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
                font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(f, true);
               PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat();
               format.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Center;
              format.LineAlignment = PdfVerticalAlignment.Top;
               header.Graphics.DrawString("GridPdf", font, brush, rect, format); //Add custom text to the page template
            pdfdocument.Template.Top = header; //Append custom template to the document


Protected void  Grid_ServerPdfExporting(object sender, Syncfusion.JavaScript.Web.GridEventArgs e){
PdfExport exp = new PdfExport();
         var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();
            GridProperties obj = ConvertGridObject(GridModel);
               PdfDocument pdfdocument = exp.Export(obj,     DataSource, "Export.pdf", false,false, "flat-lime",true,true);
            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(0, 0, pdfdocument.PageSettings.Width,50);
  //Create a page template
           PdfPageTemplateElement header = new PdfPageTemplateElement(rect);
           Font f = new Font("Helvetica", 8, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
           PdfFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(f, true);
          PdfSolidBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Gray);
           PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(Color.DarkBlue, 3f);
                f = new Font("Helvetica", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
                font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(f, true);
               PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat();
               format.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Center;
              format.LineAlignment = PdfVerticalAlignment.Top;
               header.Graphics.DrawString("GridPdf", font, brush, rect, format); //Add custom text to the page template
            pdfdocument.Template.Top = header; //Append custom template to the document


The following output is displayed as a result of the above code example.

Figure: how to add the title for exporting



Figure: Word Exporting with Title




Figure: Pdf Exporting with Title


Figure: Excel Exporting with Title


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