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How to copy the table content to clipboard without hidden content in WinForms GridControl?

2 mins read

Copy the table content to clipboard

By default, while copying cells with hidden rows and columns in GridControl, the values of the hidden rows and columns will be copied to the clipboard. In order to copy the table content to clipboard without hidden contents, the ClipboardCopy event can be used to copy the cell content which are visible only.


void Model_ClipboardCopy(object sender, GridCutPasteEventArgs e)
   GridRangeInfo range = e.RangeList.ActiveRange;
   if (!range.IsEmpty)
      range = range.ExpandRange(1, 1, this.gridControl1.Model.RowCount, this.gridControl1.Model.ColCount);
      string clipboardText = "";
      GridData data = this.gridControl1.Model.Data;
      for (int row = range.Top; row <= range.Bottom; ++row)
          if (!this.gridControl1.Model.Rows.Hidden[row])
             bool firstCol = true;
             for (int col = range.Left; col <= range.Right; ++col)
                if (!this.gridControl1.Model.Cols.Hidden[col])
                   if (!firstCol) 
                      clipboardText += "\t";
                      firstCol = false;
                   clipboardText += this.gridControl1.Model[row, col].CellValue;
            clipboardText += Environment.NewLine;
     e.Handled = true;
     this.textBox1.Text = clipboardText;



Private Sub Model_ClipboardCopy(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridCutPasteEventArgs)
   Dim range As GridRangeInfo = e.RangeList.ActiveRange
   If Not range.IsEmpty Then
      range = range.ExpandRange(1, 1, Me.gridControl1.Model.RowCount, Me.gridControl1.Model.ColCount)
      Dim clipboardText As String = ""
      Dim data As GridData = Me.gridControl1.Model.Data
      For row As Integer = range.Top To range.Bottom
         If Not Me.gridControl1.Model.Rows.Hidden(row) Then
            Dim firstCol As Boolean = True
 For col As Integer = range.Left To range.Right
               If Not Me.gridControl1.Model.Cols.Hidden(col) Then
                  If Not firstCol Then
          clipboardText &= Constants.vbTab
          firstCol = False
       End If
       clipboardText &= Me.gridControl1.Model(row, col).CellValue
    End If
 Next col
 clipboardText &= Environment.NewLine
        End If
     Next row
     e.Handled = True
     Me.textBox1.Text = clipboardText
  End If
End Sub

      Copy and Paste without hidden contents




C#: Copy and paste_CS

VB: Copy and paste_VB

Reference link:


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