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How do I paste clipboard contents bigger than GridDataBoundGrid row and column count?

2 mins read


The GridDataBoundGrid does not increment the row and column count as in the GridControl. The reason is that the GridDataBoundGrid does not have its own datastore, it has to store these in the relevant datatable. To add rows and columns in the datatable, the Model.ClipboardPaste handler must be used.

In this handler, the clipboard contents that are stored in text format of DataObject will be a single string. This has to be split with '\n' and '\t' to refer the rows and columns fashion and this count is compared with the existing row and column count. The necessary extra rows are added then and makes pasting possible.


this.gridDataBoundGrid1.UseListChangedEvent = false;

DataObject data = (DataObject) Clipboard.GetDataObject();

//gets the size of the data object in rows

string s = (string)data.GetData(DataFormats.Text);

string[] rows = s.Split(new char[]{'\n'});

int numRows = rows.GetLength(0);

if(numRows > 0 && rows[numRows - 1].Length == 0)

numRows--; //removes extra empty row if present

//gets the size of the data object in Columns

string[] cols = rows[0].Split(new char[]{'\t'});

int numCols = cols.GetLength(0);

if(numCols > 0 && cols[numCols - 1].Length == 0)

numCols--; //removes extra empty column if present

int extraRowIfStartAtAddNewRow = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Binder.IsAddNew ? 1 : 0;

while(currentCell.RowIndex + numRows + extraRowIfStartAtAddNewRow > grid.Model.RowCount)


DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();




while(currentCell.COlIndex + numCols > grid.Model.ColCount+1)








Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.UseListChangedEvent = False

data As DataObject = CType(Clipboard.GetDataObject(), DataObject)

'gets the size of the data object in rows

s As String = CStr(data.GetData(DataFormats.Text))

rows As String() = s.Split(New Char(){ControlChars.Lf})

numRows As Integer = rows.GetLength(0)

If numRows > 0 AndAlso rows(numRows - 1).Length = 0 Then

numRows -= 1 'removes extra empty row if present

End If

'gets the size of the data object in Columns

Dim cols As String() = rows(0).Split(New Char(){ControlChars.Tab})

Dim numCols As Integer = cols.GetLength(0)

If numCols > 0 AndAlso cols(numCols - 1).Length = 0 Then

numCols -= 1 'removes extra empty column if present

End If

Dim extraRowIfStartAtAddNewRow As Integer = IIf(Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Binder.IsAddNew, 1, 0)

Do While currentCell.RowIndex + numRows + extraRowIfStartAtAddNewRow > grid.Model.RowCount

Dim dr As DataRow = dt.NewRow()


row -= 1


Do While currentCell.COlIndex + numCols> grid.Model.ColCount+1


col -= 1




Here is a sample that illustrates this:

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