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How to add multiple spaces within the ASP.NET MVC RTE content?

2 mins read


RTE value set from code behind with multiple spaces are not visibly shown in browser.

RTE multiple spaces not visible


Within the HTML, we cannot change the output by adding extra spaces in HTML code. Since the browser will remove extra spaces when the page is displayed and any number of spaces will count as only one space. Refer this link for in detailed description.




On setting RTE value from code behind, which has multiple spaces can be handled in two ways.

  1. Set the string value with multiple spaces in code behind and replace the white-spaces with   in client side create event. Refer the following code block,


 public ActionResult RichTextEditorFeatures()
    var model = new MyClass { RTEValue = "This is test for RTE    Sample   with            multi spaces" };
    return View(model);
 public class MyClass
    public string RTEValue { get; set; }


    </p>).ShowFooter(true).ClientSideEvents(ce => ce.Create("onCreate")).EnableXHTML(true).Value(Model.RTEValue).Render();}


    function onCreate(args) {
        $("#rteSample").ejRTE({ value: this._getDocument().body.textContent.replace(/ /g, "&nbsp;")});


  1. Set the string value with multiple spaces in code behind and using CSS style white-space to preserve the spaces. In the client side create event, get the iframe document body in RTE and set the CSS white-space with any of the following values based on your requirement to sustain spacing in between RTE content





Whitespace is preserved by the browser. Text will only wrap on line breaks.


Sequences of whitespace will collapse into a single whitespace. Text will wrap when necessary, and on line breaks


Whitespace is preserved by the browser. Text will wrap when necessary, and on line breaks


public ActionResult RichTextEditorFeatures()
    var model = new MyClass { RTEValue = "This is test for RTE    Sample   with            multi spaces" };
    return View(model);
 public class MyClass
    public string RTEValue { get; set; }



    </p>).ShowFooter(true).ClientSideEvents(ce => ce.Create("onCreate")).EnableXHTML(true).Value(Model.RTEValue).Render();}


    function onCreate(args) {
$(this.getDocument().body).css({ "white-space": "pre-wrap" });


RTE Value set with multiple spaces

Figure 1: RTE Value set with multiple spaces

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