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How to overcome the issue in formulas while using different region and culture settings in WinRT Spreadsheet?

3 mins read

FormulaEngine class maintains the parsing and computation of formulas in SfSpreadsheet. By default, FormulaEngine is implemented for “en-US” region settings. While changing the region settings in the system, there may be a possibility of throwing an exception or error while computing formulas because of System separators (argument, decimal, date…), since they vary for some region.


For Example


ArgumentSeparator for “en-US” and “de-DE” culture as follows,



en-US(United States)



   “ , ”

   “ ; ”


In German Region settings, while computing the formulas in SfSpreadsheet, you can change the Separators of FormulaEngine like below code.



FormulaEngine.ParseArgumentSeparator = ';';
FormulaEngine.ParseDecimalSeparator = '.';
FormulaEngine.ParseDateTimeSeparator = '.';




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