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How to customize Decimal separator, Digit, Group separator and Group size in DoubleTextBox?

1 min read

In DoubleTextBox, Decimal separator, Decimal Digits, Group separator and Group size can be customized by following below steps.


Decimal separator

The decimal separator value can be specified by using the property named “NumberDecimalSeparator”.


Decimal Digits

The decimal digit value can be specified by using the property named “NumberDecimalDigits”.



The group separator can be specified by using the property named “NumberGroupSeparator”.



The group size can be specified by using the property named “NumberGroupSizes”.


The following code example demonstrates the same.


//To assign decimal seperator character
this.doubleTextBox1.NumberDecimalSeparator = this.textBox2.Text;
//To specify the decimal digits.
this.doubleTextBox1.NumberDecimalDigits = Convert.ToInt16(this.integerTextBox3.Text);
//To assign the seperator for grouping digits
this.doubleTextBox1.NumberGroupSeparator = this.textBox3.Text;
//To specify the Number group sizes.
int x = Convert.ToInt16(this.numericUpDownExt1.Value);
this.doubleTextBox1.NumberGroupSizes = new int[] { x };



'To assign decimal seperator character
Me.doubleTextBox1.NumberDecimalSeparator = Me.textBox2.Text
'To specify the decimal digits.
Me.doubleTextBox1.NumberDecimalDigits = Convert.ToInt16(Me.integerTextBox3.Text)
'To assign the seperator for grouping digits
Me.doubleTextBox1.NumberGroupSeparator = Me.textBox3.Text
'To specify the Number group sizes.
Dim x As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(Me.numericUpDownExt1.Value)
Me.doubleTextBox1.NumberGroupSizes = New Integer() { x }


  1. The default value of the NumberDecimalDigits is 2.
  2. The default value of the NumberDecimalSepartor is “.”.
  3. The default value of the NumberGroupSeparator is “,”.
  4. The default value of the NumberGroupSizes is 3.


Showing decimal separator

Figure 1: Decimal separator is specified as “@”.

Showing decimal digits

Figure 2: Decimal digits is specified as “5”.

Showing group separator

Figure 3: Group separator is specified as “@”.

Showing group size

Figure 4: Group sizes is specified as “1”.

Sample Links:


C#: DoubleTextBox_DecimalValue_C#

VB: DoubleTextBox_DecimalValue_VB

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