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How to style rows and cells conditionally based on data in GridTreeControl

1 min read

You can apply the style for the rows and cells based on some conditions by using the QueryCellInfo event like below,

Style for Rows:


void treeGrid_ModelLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    treeGrid.Model.QueryCellInfo += Model_QueryCellInfo;
void Model_QueryCellInfo(object sender, GridQueryCellInfoEventArgs e)
    int nodeindex = treeGrid.InternalGrid.ResolveIndexToColumnIndex(e.Style.ColumnIndex);
    if (nodeindex > -1)
            //Get the node
            var node = treeGrid.InternalGrid.GetNodeAtRowIndex(e.Style.RowIndex);
            if (node != null)
                var item = node.Item as EmployeeInfo;
                if (item != null)
                    if (item.EmpID == 1002)
                        e.Style.Background = Brushes.Red;
                    else if(item.EmpID==1004)
                        e.Style.Background = Brushes.Blue;
                    else if (item.EmpID == 1012)
                        e.Style.Background = Brushes.Yellow;
                    else if (item.EmpID == 1005)
                        e.Style.Background = Brushes.Orange;


Rows in Grid Tree control

Figure 1: Conditional formatting for rows in GridTreeControl

Style for Cells:


void treeGrid_ModelLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    treeGrid.Model.QueryCellInfo += Model_QueryCellInfo;
void Model_QueryCellInfo(object sender, GridQueryCellInfoEventArgs e)
    int nodeindex = treeGrid.InternalGrid.ResolveIndexToColumnIndex(e.Style.ColumnIndex);
    if (nodeindex > -1)
        if (treeGrid.Columns[nodeindex].MappingName != "EmpID")
            //Get the node
            var node = treeGrid.InternalGrid.GetNodeAtRowIndex(e.Style.RowIndex);
              if (node != null)
                    var item = node.Item as EmployeeInfo;
                    if (item != null)
                        if (item.EmpID == 1002)
                            e.Style.Background = Brushes.Red;
                        else if (item.EmpID == 1004)
                            e.Style.Background = Brushes.Blue;
                        else if (item.EmpID == 1012)
                            e.Style.Background = Brushes.Yellow;
                        else if (item.EmpID == 1005)
                            e.Style.Background = Brushes.Orange;


Graphical user interface, table

Figure 2: Conditional formatting for cells in GridTreeControl

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