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How to programmatically select the records of the Master-DetailsView at run time in UWP ?

3 mins read

You can select the records of the Master-DetailsView programmatically at run time by setting the corresponding child grid row index to the SfDataGrid.SelectedIndex property. This can be achieved by passing the row index of both the parent and child grids. Before setting the SelectedIndex to child grid, you need to check whether the corresponding parent record is in the expanded or collapsed state. When it is expanded, you can directly select the records of the child grid; otherwise, you need to expand it manually by using the SfDataGrid.ExpandDetailsViewAt helper method. You can also bring the corresponding DetailsView grid into the view by using the DetailsViewManager.BringToView helper method. This is demonstrated in the following code example.



int parentRowIndex =45, childRowIndex = 1;
private void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    //Checks whether the given index is parent row index or not. 
    bool IsDetailsViewIndex=this.dataGrid.IsInDetailsViewIndex(parentRowIndex);            
        MessageBox.Show("Specified Index is  not valid parent row index ");
    //Gets the record of the parent row index.
    var record = this.dataGrid.View.Records[this.dataGrid.ResolveToRecordIndex(parentRowIndex)];
    //Gets the DetailsViewManager by using Reflection.
    var propertyInfo = dataGrid.GetType().GetField("DetailsViewManager", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    DetailsViewManager detailsViewManager = propertyInfo.GetValue(dataGrid) as DetailsViewManager;
    // Checks whether the parent record has the child grid or not by getting the child source and its count.
    var childSource = detailsViewManager.GetChildSource(record.Data, "OrderDetails");
    var GetChildSourceCount = detailsViewManager.GetType().GetMethod("GetChildSourceCount", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);
    var ChildSourceCount = GetChildSourceCount.Invoke(detailsViewManager,new object[]{childSource});                             
    if ((int)ChildSourceCount == 0)
        MessageBox.Show("Child grid doesn't contains any record");
    //Checks whether the record is Expanded or Collapsed.
    //When it is in the collapsed state, you need to expand the particular DetailsView based on the index.
    if (!record.IsExpanded)       this.dataGrid.ExpandDetailsViewAt(this.dataGrid.ResolveToRecordIndex(parentRowIndex));
    //Gets the index of the DetailsView.
    int index = 0;
    foreach (var def in this.dataGrid.DetailsViewDefinition)
        if (def.RelationalColumn == "OrderDetails")
            index = this.dataGrid.DetailsViewDefinition.IndexOf(def);
            index = parentRowIndex + index + 1;
    //Brings the parent row in the view. 
    var rowcolumnIndex = new RowColumnIndex(index , 1);
    //Gets the DetailsViewDataGrid by passing the corresponding rowindex and relation name.
    var detailsViewDataGrid = this.dataGrid.GetDetailsViewGrid(this.dataGrid.ResolveToRecordIndex(parentRowIndex), "OrderDetails");
    //Checks whether the given index is currently in view or not.
    //When the specified index is not currently in view, you can bring that row in to the view by using the SfDataGrid.ScrollInView method.
    var firstline = this.dataGrid.GetVisualContainer().ScrollRows.GetVisibleLines().FirstOrDefault(line => line.Region == ScrollAxisRegion.Body);
    var lastline = this.dataGrid.GetVisualContainer().ScrollRows.GetVisibleLines().LastOrDefault(line => line.Region == ScrollAxisRegion.Body);
    if (firstline.LineIndex > index || lastline.LineIndex <= index)
        //Brings the details view grid in to the view and sets the child grid's SelectedIndex as the ChildRowIndex.
        if (record != null && record.IsExpanded)
            if (detailsViewDataGrid == null)
                detailsViewDataGrid = this.dataGrid.GetDetailsViewGrid(this.dataGrid.ResolveToRecordIndex(parentRowIndex), "OrderDetails");
    detailsViewDataGrid.SelectedIndex = childRowIndex;         



You can get the DetailsViewDataGrid by passing the corresponding rowindex and different relation name when the DetailsView has more than one level.



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I hope you enjoyed learning about how to programmatically select the records of the Master-DetailsView at run time in UWP.

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