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Customizing the PanTool to restricting Pan operation in Grey area instead of Model area

2 mins read

To restricting the pan operation in Grey area instead of Model area.

In Diagram control, we can restrict the pan operation in Grey area instead of Model area. It can be achieved by customizing the Diagram’s “PanTool” class. From the customized class, override the ProcessMouseMove and ProcessMouseUp methods to update the “Origin” logically based on the model area.

Here is the code example for restricting the pan operation in grey area instead of model area.


private PointF UpdateOrigin(int xOffset, int yOffset)
double magnigication = this.Controller.Viewer.Magnification / 100d;
double offsetX = this.StartPoint.X - xOffset;
double offsetY = this.StartPoint.Y - yOffset;
offsetX = offsetX / magnigication + this.ViewOrigin.X;
offsetY =  offsetY / magnigication + this.ViewOrigin.Y;
//prevent from negative values
if (offsetX < 0)
offsetX = 0;
if (offsetY < 0)
offsetY = 0;
//prevent x position while offsetX is going to outside of model
if( this.Controller.Model.Size.Width - this.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Width < offsetX )
offsetX = this.Controller.Model.Size.Width - this.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Width;
//prevent y position while offsetY is going to outside of model
if (this.Controller.Model.Size.Height - this.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Height < offsetY)
offsetY = this.Controller.Model.Size.Height - this.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Height;
PointF newOrigin = new PointF((float)offsetX, (float)offsetY);
return newOrigin;



Private Function UpdateOrigin(ByVal xOffset As Integer, ByVal yOffset As Integer) As PointF
Dim magnigication As Double = Me.Controller.Viewer.Magnification / 100R
Dim offsetX As Double = Me.StartPoint.X - xOffset
Dim offsetY As Double = Me.StartPoint.Y - yOffset
offsetX = offsetX / magnigication + Me.ViewOrigin.X
offsetY = offsetY / magnigication + Me.ViewOrigin.Y
'prevent from negative values
If offsetX < 0 Then
offsetX = 0
End If
If offsetY < 0 Then
offsetY = 0
End If
'prevent x position while offsetX is going to outside of model
If Me.Controller.Model.Size.Width - Me.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Width < offsetX Then
offsetX = Me.Controller.Model.Size.Width - Me.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Width
End If
'prevent y position while offsetY is going to outside of model
If Me.Controller.Model.Size.Height - Me.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Height < offsetY Then
offsetY = Me.Controller.Model.Size.Height - Me.Controller.View.ClientRectangle.Height
End If
Dim newOrigin As New PointF(CSng(offsetX), CSng(offsetY))
Return newOrigin
End Function


Here is the sample for restricting the pan operation in grey area instead of model area.


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