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How to display the modified axis labels in Xamarin.Forms Charts

1 min read

Axis labels in Xamarin.Forms Chart has been generated based on the provided data points. Consider the use case, to modify the UI with your desired labels in axis instead of its actually generated label text, then it has been achieved by changing the content of desired indexed VisibleLabels as shown in the following code sample.


VisibleLabels of axis has been obtained by using the extended chart axis of OnCreateLabels override method.



<syncfusion:SfChart  HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" >
                <syncfusion:CategoryAxis LabelPlacement="BetweenTicks" ShowMajorGridLines="False"/>
                <local:NumericalAxisExt ShowMajorGridLines="False" Interval="8" ShowMinorGridLines="False"/>
            <syncfusion:LineSeries  ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" Color="#036c6e" XBindingPath="Category" YBindingPath="Value" >


NumericalAxisExt class

public class NumericalAxisExt:NumericalAxis
        protected override void OnCreateLabels()
            VisibleLabels[0].LabelContent = "Low";
            VisibleLabels[VisibleLabels.Count / 2].LabelContent = "Average";
            VisibleLabels[VisibleLabels.Count - 1].LabelContent = "High";


 Xamarin.Forms Chart axis label replacement

See also

How to customize the axis label format based on the culture in Xamarin.Forms Chart

How to replace the axis labels with image in Xamarin.Forms Chart

How to display fixed number of data points in Chart

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