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How to prevent auto initialization of input controls?

1 min read

The script file ej.widgets.all.min.js is a combination of Essential Javascript for Web (ej.web.all.min.js) and Mobile ( components. In Mobile source, input controls are auto initialized on document ready for Essential Javascript Mobile applications, hence mobile styles have been applied. To prevent auto initialization, we need to set the property App.renderEJMControlsByDef as false. Refer to the following code example.


            App.renderEJMControlsByDef = false;


And also, additional container (div) element with a data-role “AppView” will be created on initialization, in which AppView acts as a master page for Mobile applications. To prevent the initialization of AppView, we need to set the property App.preventAppviewInit as true. Refer to the following code example


            App.preventAppviewInit = true;


The above mentioned code example has to be referred, next to ej.widgets.all.min.js script reference.


Note: The above mentioned properties has to be utilized, only when ej.widgets.all.min.js is referred, not in case of ej.web.all.min.js is referred.


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