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How to convert a PDF or XPS document to WinForms PowerPoint presentation?

5 mins read

PDF to PowerPoint presentation conversion

The Essential Presentation library do not have a direct support for converting a PDF document to PowerPoint presentation. However you can achieve this using Essential Presentation library and Essential PdfViewer control.

The conversion process includes the below steps.

  1. Convert the PDF pages into images using Essential PdfViewer control.
  2. Insert the exported images in the PowerPoint slides using Essential Presentation library.


Since the converted presentation only have the images of PDF pages, you cannot select or modify the content in the converted presentation.

The below assemblies are needed to compile the below code examples.

  1. Syncfusion.Compression.Base.dll
  2. Syncfusion.Presentation.Base.dll
  3. Syncfusion.Pdf.Base.dll
  4. Syncfusion.PdfViewer.Windows.dll

The below code example demonstrates exporting the images from a PDF document using PDFViewer control.

// Create an instance of PDFViewer control
PdfViewerControl pdfViewer1 = new PdfViewerControl();
//Load the PDF document in viewer
//Get the total number of pages in the PDF document
int pageCount = pdfViewer1.PageCount;
//Export the images from PDFViewer control
System.Drawing.Image[] images = pdfViewer1.ExportAsMetafile(0, (pageCount - 1));








The below code example demonstrates adding the exported images to the Presentation slides using the Essential Presentation APIs.

// Create an instance of PowerPoint presentation
IPresentation presentation = Presentation.Create();
for (int j = 0; j < images.Length; j++)
      //Create a memory stream to hold the image
      MemoryStream image = new MemoryStream();
      //Save image in the stream
      images[j].Save(image, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
      //Add a blank slide to the presentation
      ISlide slide = presentation.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
      //Set the appropriate orientation for slide
      slide.SlideSize.SlideOrientation = SlideOrientation.Landscape;
      //Add the image to the slide
      IPicture picture = slide.Pictures.AddPicture(image, 70,0, 600, 540);
//Save the presentation


XPS to PowerPoint presentation conversion

You can also convert a XPS document to PowerPoint presentation by converting the XPS document to PDF document and then converting the PDF document to PowerPoint presentation as explained above.

The below code example demonstrates how to convert the XPS document to PDF document.

//Create an instance of XPSToPdfConvertor

XPSToPdfConverter converter = new XPSToPdfConverter();

//Convert the XPS document to PDF document

PdfDocument document converter.Convert(txtFile.Tag.ToString());

//Save the PDF document



You can find the complete sample here.





I hope you enjoyed learning about how to convert a PDF or XPS document to WinForms Presentation.

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page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WinForms Presentation documentation
to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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