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Scrolling the Diagram using Page Down/Up keys and Arrow keys

1 min read

Scrolling the Diagram using Page Down/Up keys and Arrow keys

Syncfusion Diagram supports scrolling the diagram with the help of keyboard interaction. To achieve this functionality override the ProcessCmdKey method and change the Diagram.View’s “Origin”, as well as “ScrollVirtualBounds.Location” values while pressing the page Up/Down keys.

The below code shows how to scroll diagram while pressing page Up/Down keys.


PointF origin = diagram1.View.Origin;
PointF virtualTopLeft = diagram1.View.ScrollVirtualBounds.Location;
if (keyData == Keys.PageDown)
origin.Y += 10;
virtualTopLeft.Y -= 10;
if (keyData == Keys.PageUp)
origin.Y -= 10;


Dim origin As PointF = diagram1.View.Origin
Dim virtualTopLeft As PointF = diagram1.View.ScrollVirtualBounds.Location
If keyData = Keys.PageDown Then
origin.Y += 10
virtualTopLeft.Y -= 10
End If
If keyData = Keys.PageUp Then
origin.Y -= 10
End If


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