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How to customize the TilePressBehavior of the SfHubTile control

1 min read


While pressing the hub tile, the control will be flipped based on the pointer position. This behavior can be customized using following properties.

Rotation Depth:

Rotation depth can be used to customize the depth of the flip effect while pressing the edges of the hub tile.

Scale Depth:

Scale depth can be used to change the depth of the flip effect while pressing the center of the hub tile

Tile Press Duration:

Tile Press Duration can be used to change the time of the flip effect while pressing the center or edges of the hub tile



<syncfusion:SfHubTile RotationDepth="40" ScaleDepth="2.5"  Height="200" Width="200" ImageSource="Assets/1.jpg" TilePressDuration="0:0:3" Title="Rotation Depth"  VerticalAlignment="Top"  x:Name="SfHubTile"/>



The following screenshots are the output of the code above:




Figure 1: Normal State

C:\Users\rajkumar.ganesamoort\Music\Sp-2\Rotation Depth.png

Figure 2: Rotation Depth


C:\Users\rajkumar.ganesamoort\Music\Sp-2\Scale Depth.png

Figure 2: Scale Depth

Override Default States:

To disable tile press behavior, set the OverrideDefaultStates property to true.



<syncfusion:SfHubTile Width="170" Height="170" OverrideDefaultStates="True"/>







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