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BadImageFormatException in 'Syncfusion.GeckoHtmlRenderer.Base'

1 min read

BadImageFormatException in 'Syncfusion.GeckoHtmlRenderer.Base'

When you overcome the BadimageFormatException while using Syncfusion.GeckoWrapper.dll, you need to register the GeckoWrapper.dll in the server. The following steps shows how to register the GeckoWrapper in server.

  1. Run the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. In the command Prompt window navigate the folder that contains your XulRunner-2.0.sdk\bin. Example: C:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\XulRunner-2.0.sdk\bin\
  3. Enter the following command,

regsvr32  Syncfusion.GeckoWrapper.dll


Also, in order to register successfully, Gecko wrapper requires the following to be installed in the server:

  • VC++ 2010 express edition, which is necessary for installing the required debug assemblies (msvcr100d.dll).
  • VC++ 2008 (SP1) express edition, which is necessary for installing the ATL90.dll.
  1. Gecko SDK is built for x86 configurations and in order to enable 32bit mode, go to the Application Pool in IIS (Internet Information services). Right click and select “Advance settings” and change the section named: “Enabled 32-bit Applications” to true.
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