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How to change the size of the SfRadialMenu in WindowsPhone?

1 min read

The size of the SfRadialMenu can be changed as follows:

RadiusX and RadiusY:

Set the property, RadiusX to change the width of the SfRadialMenu. Set the property, RadiusY to change the height of the SfRadialMenu.

The following code demonstrates the same.



<navigation:SfRadialMenu RadiusX="180" RadiusY="180">
   <navigation:SfRadialMenuItem Header="Cut"/>
   <navigation:SfRadialMenuItem Header="Copy"/>
   <navigation:SfRadialMenuItem Header="Paste"/>


SfRadialMenu radialMenu = new SfRadialMenu() { RadiusX = 180, RadiusY = 180 };
radialMenu.Items.Add(new SfRadialMenuItem() { Header = "Cut" });
radialMenu.Items.Add(new SfRadialMenuItem() { Header = "Copy" });
radialMenu.Items.Add(new SfRadialMenuItem() { Header = "Paste" });

The following screenshot display the SfRadialMenu before and after the size change:



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