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How to apply themes to the SfDataGrid by using the SfSkinManager?

1 min read

You can apply different themes to the SfDataGrid by using the SetVisualStyle method in the SfSkinManager.


SfSkinManager.SetVisualStyle(grid, VisualStyles.Blend);


The following assemblies should be included additionally for applying VisualStyles.

  1. Syncfusion.SfSkinManager.WPF
  2. Syncfusion.Themes.Blend.WPF. To apply Metro theme, you have to attach Syncfusion.Themes.Metro.WPF dll and so on.

The value of the Copy Local must also be set to true for theming assemblies, but it cannot retrieve the value from GAC.

The following screenshot displays the reference of the enabled Copy Local.

Enabled copy local value true for theme assembly

Figure 1: Enable Copy Local value True for Theme assembly

Sample Link:



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