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How do I initialize a Web Grouping Grid through an xml schema file?

1 min read


You can save the schema of a grid, which includes all the information within the TableDescriptor, BaseStyles, Appearance, ChildGroupOptions, NestedTableGroupOptions, TableOptions and TopLevelGroupOptions properties, during design time by invoking the "Save Schema..." verb.

You can then load the file created in the above step with the code below:


// If the schema file is right below the application root dir.

this.GridGroupingControl1.ReadXmlSchema(new StringReader(new StreamReader(Page.MapPath("gridSchema.xml")).ReadToEnd()));


' If the schema file is right below the application root dir.

Me.GridGroupingControl1.ReadXmlSchema(New StringReader(New StreamReader(Page.MapPath("gridSchema.xml")).ReadToEnd()))

Note that the above schema file could have been created using our Windows Grouping Grid control. In other words, you can use a single schema file to initialize both our Windows and Web grouping grid controls.

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