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How to set the SuperToolTip for caption buttons of the docked control?

1 min read

In the DockingManager, SuperToolTip can be assigned to its Caption button by using its properties, EnableSuperToolTip, ShowToolTips and SuperToolTip.



This property helps whether to display the ToolTip or not, when mouse hovers on its Caption button.



This property helps you to specify whether SuperToolTip can be displayed or not, when mouse hovers on its Caption button.



This Property helps you to assign the SuperToolTip for the Docking Manager.


The following code examples demonstrate the same.


//Initializes the ToolTipInfo
Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ToolTipInfo toolTipInfo1 = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ToolTipInfo();
//Shows the ToolTip for Dock caption buttons
this.dockingManager1.ShowToolTips = true;
//Enables the SuperToolTip for Dock caption buttons
this.dockingManager1.EnableSuperToolTip = true;
//Assigns the ToolTip to DockingManager
this.dockingManager1.SuperToolTip = this.superToolTip1;



'Initializes the ToolTipInfo
Private toolTipInfo1 As New Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ToolTipInfo()
'Shows the ToolTip for Dock caption buttons
Me.dockingManager1.ShowToolTips = True
'Enables the SuperToolTip for Dock caption buttons
Me.dockingManager1.EnableSuperToolTip = True
'Assigns the ToolTip to DockingManager
Me.dockingManager1.SuperToolTip = Me.superToolTip1



By default, EnableSuperToolTip property is disabled.


Before applying SuperToolTip

Figure 1: Before applying SuperToolTip

After applying SuperToolTip

Figure 2: After applying SuperToolTip

Before applying SuperToolTip for floating control

Figure 3: Before applying SuperToolTip for floating control

After applying SuperToolTip for floating control

Figure 4: After applying SuperToolTip for floating control

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