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How to bind different Itemssources to each row in WPF DataGrid?

3 mins read

You can bind the different ItemsSource to each row of GridComboBoxColumn by setting ItemsSourceSelector property in WPF DataGrid.


    <local:ItemsSourceSelector x:Key="itemSourceSelector" />
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="sfdatagrid"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding OrderDetails}"
        <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="OrderID" />
        <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerID" />
        <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="ProductName" />
        <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="NoOfOrders" />
        <syncfusion:GridComboBoxColumn MappingName="ShipCountry"  ItemsSource="{Binding Path=DataContext.CountryList, ElementName=sfdatagrid}"/>
        <syncfusion:GridComboBoxColumn  HeaderText="ShipCity" DisplayMemberPath="ShipCityName"
                                ItemsSourceSelector="{StaticResource itemSourceSelector }"
                                MappingName="ShipCityID" SelectedValuePath="ShipCityID"/>


Implementing IItemsSourceSelector

ItemsSourceSelector needs to implement IItemsSourceSelector interface which requires you to implement GetItemsSource method which receives the below parameters,

  1. Record – data object associated with row.
  2. Data Context – data context of data grid.

In the below code, ItemsSource for ShipCity column returned based on ShipCountry column value using the record and data context of data grid passed to GetItemsSource method.


/// <summary>
/// Implementation class for ItemsSourceSelector interface
/// </summary>
public class ItemsSourceSelector : IItemsSourceSelector
    public IEnumerable GetItemsSource(object record, object dataContext)
        if (record == null)
            return null;
        var orderinfo = record as OrderDetails;
        var countryName = orderinfo.ShipCountry;
        var viewModel = dataContext as ViewModel;
        //Returns ShipCity collection based on ShipCountry.
        if (viewModel.ShipCities.ContainsKey(countryName))
            ObservableCollection<ShipCityDetails> shipCities = null;
            viewModel.ShipCities.TryGetValue(countryName, out shipCities);
            return shipCities.ToList();
        return null;


The following screenshot illustrates the different ShipCity ItemsSource bound to each row of the ComboBox based on the Country Name.

ShipCity list of Argentina

Figure 1: ShipCity list of Argentina


ShipCity list of Belgium

Figure 2: ShipCity list of Belgium






I hope you enjoyed learning how to bind different ItemsSources to each row in WPF DataGrid.

You can refer to our WPDataGrid feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations and documentation, to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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