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How to pass additional data to save handler in UploadBox?

2 mins read


You can pass the data to the controller by using the Begin event of the UploadBox control. In the Begin event, pass the data in the script section.



You have to render the UploadBox control in the View page as shown in the following code example.


@Html.EJ().Uploadbox("UploadDefault").SaveUrl("SaveDefault").RemoveUrl("RemoveDefault").AllowDragAndDrop(true).MultipleFilesSelection(true).AsyncUpload(true).ClientSideEvents(e => e.Begin("onbegin")).ShowBrowseButton(false)


In the Begin event, pass the data in the script section as follows.


function onbegin(args)

{ = "Uploadname";



After passing the data in the Begin event, pass the value as string in the controller page and return the data as shown in the following code example. Then, set the string value as the ID of the UploadBox continued by _data. For example, UploadDefault_data. Here, the ID of the UploadBox is UploadDefault.


public ActionResult SaveDefault(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> UploadDefault, string UploadDefault_data)
     foreach (var file in UploadDefault)
          var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
          var destinationPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), fileName);
           ViewData["data"] = UploadDefault_data;
           return Content(UploadDefault_data);




Here, the UploadDefault_data is returned to the View page in order to display the additional data in the View page.


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