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How to resolve the Syncfusion Essential Studio setup Installation Error in RedGate Reflector installed machine issue?

1 min read

Resolving "Essential Studio not installed in RedGate Reflector installed machine" issue



Essential Studio unlock key issue arises even when you have the valid license key.  This occurs when “Syncfusion.Core” assembly is debugged by using RedGate’s .NET Reflector Visual Studio Add-in. Refer to the following screenshot.


Figure 1: Invalid key issue

When Syncfusion.Core or any assembly that requires a debugging signature, is debugged by using “RedGate’s .NET Reflector Visual Studio Add-in”, a system environment variable “DEVPATH” is set to the following path by the add-in.

DEVPATH: %ProgramData%\Red Gate\.NET Reflector\DevPath”


DEVPATH: ”C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\.NET Reflector\DevPath”

While debugging the assemblies in .NET Reflector Visual Studio Add-in installed machine, it regenerates the debugged assemblies in the DEVPATH. Also while setting DEVPATH as environment variable, they modify the CLR’s behavior that is, assemblies from the DEVPATH are only loaded during the runtime. Refer to the following screenshots.


Figure 2: RedGate’s .NET Reflector VS Add-in setting the DEVPATH and modifying the CLR’s behavior


Figure 3: Debugging assemblies regenerated in DEVPATH

Hence, when older version Syncfusion.Core is debugged by using this add-in and while trying to install the latest Essential Studio, only the older version Syncfusion.Core assembly from the DEVPATH gets referred and the above mentioned “Invalid Key” issue occurs.


Remove the older version Syncfusion.core assembly from the above mentioned “DEVPATH” and restart the installation.

Now, “Essential Studio unlock key issue in RedGate’s .NET Reflector installed machine issue will be resolved.


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