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How to resolve the 'Installation of Syncfusion Essential Studio (v9.3 and earlier) ended prematurely' issue?

1 min read

Resolving the ‘Installation of Syncfusion Essential Studio (v9.3 and earlier) ended prematurely’ issue


Syncfusion Essential Studio is a unified installer that consist of several windows installer files (.msi). During the installation of the Essential Studio, the installer files are extracted in the system temp folder. Once the installation process is completed, these files are removed automatically.

The following steps enable you to resolve the ‘Installation stops prematurely’ issue.

  1. In order to store the temporary files, you require space (2-3 GB) available in your system boot drive.
    For Example: “C:\”
  2. .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.5 needs to be installed in your machine.
  3. Close all the running Visual Studio instances and unnecessary programs in your machine.
  4.  Reinstall the Syncfusion Essential Studio.

Now, the reported issue will be resolved and you can install successfully.

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