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How to create navigation drawer with nested list items?

1 min read

To create a navigation drawer with nested list items, refer to the following steps.

Create a navigation drawer with list items. Refer to the following code example.

<div id="navpane" data-role="ejmnavigationdrawer" data-ej-enablelistview="true">


        <li data-ej-text="Parent1"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent2"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent3"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent4"></li>




The above code creates a navigation drawer. But it is in the hidden state. So, in order to show the navigation drawer while clicking the button element, you need to set the targetid property with the element’s id to the navigation drawer. Refer to the following code example.

<div data-role="ejmheader" data-ej-templateid="headerTemp" data-ej-position="normal">


@*Header Control template content*@

<div id="headerTemp">

    <button id="menu" type="button" data-role="ejmbutton" data-ej-contenttype="both" data-ej-inline=true data-ej-imageclass="e-m-icon-settings" data-ej-rendermode="auto" data-ej-text="Settings"></button>


<div id="navpane" data-role="ejmnavigationdrawer" data-ej-targetid="menu" data-ej-enablelistview="true">


        <li data-ej-text="Parent1"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent2"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent3"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent4"></li>




To enable sub list items, add one ul element with desired li items to the li element that acts as a parent menu item. You can show the header for the listview in the navigation drawer by setting data-ej-listviewsettings-showheader to true. Refer to the following code example.

<div id="navpane" data-role="ejmnavigationdrawer" data-ej-enablelistview="true" data-ej-listviewsettings-showheader="true" data-ej-listviewsettings-headertitle="Settings" data-ej-targetid="menu">


        <li data-ej-text="Parent1"><ul><li data-ej-text="Child1"></li><li data-ej-text="Child2"></li></ul></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent2"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent3"></li>

        <li data-ej-text="Parent4"></li>





Mobile listview



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