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How to enable legend position?

2 mins read

To enable the legend position, refer to the following steps.

Step 1

Create a map sample and include the necessary script files.

Step 2

The legend position is used to set the legends at various positions in map and you can enable it by setting the api position in legendSettings.


                  position: "bottomright",

Similarly you can set the api position to topleft, topcenter, topright, centerleft, center, bottomleft, centerright and bottomcenter.


<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(function ($) {           
               layers: [
legendSettings: {
                        .  .  .
                    position: "bottomright",
                         .  .  .

The following screenshot displays the legend position at bottomright.

Maps with legend position at the bootom right of the maps

Figure 1: Legend position at bottomright

Refer to the following link to know more details about legend position.!documents/mapelements.htm

Online sample is available in the following location.

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