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How to render Navigation control with vertical orientation?

1 min read

To render Navigation control with vertical orientation, refer to the following steps.

Step 1

Create a map sample and include the necessary script files.

Step 2

By using Navigation control, you can zoom in and zoom out the map. You can also do panning, by setting the Navigation control as vertical that positions the control in vertical orientation.

In order to set the orientation for Navigation control, set api orientation in Navigation control.




<script type="text/javascript">   
        jQuery(function ($) {                                
                                                        .  .  .
                                 navigationControl:{ enableNavigation:true, orientation :’vertical’ },
                                                        .  .  .

The following screenshot illustrates the Navigation control with vertical orientation.

Figure 1: Navigation control orientation

Refer to the following link for details about Navigation control with vertical orientation.!documents/userinteraction1.htm

Online sample for this Navigation control is available in the following link.!/azure/map/datamarkers

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