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How to get the parent grid while editing the child grid in WinRT DataGrid?

1 min read

SfDataGrid’s CurrentCellBeginEdit event allows you to get the grid’s information while editing. By hooking this event within the nested grid you can get the parent grid’s information in the nested grid by invoking GetParentDataGrid method.

The following code example demonstrates how to get the parent grid while editing the child grid.


this.FirstDetailsViewGrid.CurrentCellBeginEdit += FirstDetailsViewGrid_CurrentCellBeginEdit;
void FirstDetailsViewGrid_CurrentCellBeginEdit(object sender, CurrentCellBeginEditEventArgs args)
     var detailsViewDataGrid = args.OriginalSender as DetailsViewDataGrid;
       // Gets and holds the information of parent grid for the detailsViewDataGrid    
     var parent = detailsViewDataGrid.GetParentDataGrid();


Here the nested grid is acquired from the argument of the CurrentCellBeginEdit event. Then by invoking the GetParentDataGrid method that returns the parent grid’s information, the parent grid is obtained.

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