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How to Set the Size for the Minimized TileViewitem in the TileViewControl

1 min read

Use the MinimizedItemsPercentage property to set the size for the minimized TileViewItem. When a particular item is maximized, the other items are minimized. The Height and Width of the minimized items can be changed by using the above property. In the following example, the size of the minimized TileViewItem is set to 60. So, when a particular item is maximized, the other minimized items size is set to 60. Refer to the following code example.


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" >
        <syncfusion:TileViewControl MinimizedItemsPercentage="60"   Name="tileViewControl1">
            <syncfusion:TileViewItem Header="Item 1"  />
            <syncfusion:TileViewItem Header="Item 2" />
            <syncfusion:TileViewItem Header="Item 3" />
            <syncfusion:TileViewItem Header="Item 4" />


tileViewControl1.MinimizedItemsPercentage = 60;

The OnMinimizedHeight and OnMinimizedWidth properties in TileViewControl allow you to specify the height and width of individual TileViewItem when minimized. This property is applied to the TileViewItem elements within the TileViewControl through the ItemContainerStyle.




        <Style TargetType="syncfusion:TileViewItem">

            <Setter Property="OnMinimizedHeight" Value="150"/>

          <Setter Property="OnMinimizedWidth" Value="80"/>




The following screenshot displays the TileViewItem in a normal state.


The following screenshot displays the TileViewItem when the MinimizedItemsPercentage is set to 60:

The following screenshot displays the TileViewItem when the OnMinimizedHeight and OnMinimizedWidth are set to 150 and 80:

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