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How to export the date along with the time value to Excel?

2 mins read

By default, the time values in the cells are not exported to Excel; only the date value is exported. To export the DateTime value of the cell, you have to set the Format property to dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt in the QueryImportExportCellInfo event.


GridExcelConverterControl converter = new GridExcelConverterControl();
converter.QueryImportExportCellInfo += converter_QueryImportExportCellInfo;
void converter_QueryImportExportCellInfo(object sender, GridImportExportCellInfoEventArgs e)
    if (e.GridCell.CellType == GridCellTypeName.MonthCalendar)
        //Format of the month calendar is changed.
        e.GridCell.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt";


Private converter As New GridExcelConverterControl()
Private converter.QueryImportExportCellInfo += AddressOf converter_QueryImportExportCellInfo
Private Sub converter_QueryImportExportCellInfo(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridImportExportCellInfoEventArgs)
  If e.GridCell.CellType Is GridCellTypeName.MonthCalendar Then
    'Format of the month calendar is changed.
    e.GridCell.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
  End If
End Sub

Sample Links:

C#: Time export-C#

VB: Time export-VB

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