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What is the difference between ej.web.all, ej.widgets.all, and files?

1 min read

The following table explains the difference between the script files:

Script Files



Contains scripts for all the web components.

Contains scripts for all the mobile components.


Contains scripts for both the web and mobile components.


Web and mobile components:

Web components - Can be used both in web and mobile; but when used in mobile, it does not have the look and feel (UserInterface) of the native mobile components.

The following link showcases the demo of all the Syncfusion JS web components:

Mobile components - These components have the same look and feel of the native mobile components.

The following link showcases the demo of all the Syncfusion mobile JS components.

So, based on the components that are used in the application, you can include any one of these script files. In case you are using both the mobile and web components, then use the ej.widgets.all.min.js file. When only the web components is used, it is enough to include the ej.web.all.min.js file. You can refer to the following online documentation to know more about the script files:!documents/dependencies.htm

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