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How to find the checked state of members in Silverlight OlapClient?

4 mins read

You can find the checked members of a dimension from the underlying MetaTreeNode of MemberEditor window. By iterating child nodes in MetaTreeNodeCollection, you can find the selected/checked state of each member of a dimension.

In the following code example, consider the column axis of AxisElementBuilder as an example. Here the Measures are excluded, as only the selected/checked members from a dimension are retrieved.

On iterating the members besides a dimension, the IsSelected property of the node is checked. If it’s true, the member is selected and added to the collection else not.


public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        public MainPage()
            //Triggering Loaded event of OlapClient
            this.olapClient1.Loaded += olapClient1_Loaded; 
        void olapClient1_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
             List<string> childNodeCollection = new List<string>();
             string metaTreeNodeIsSelected= ""; 
             string childNodeIsSelected = "";
             //In this example, column axis in AxisElementBuilder is processed
                  //Iterating MetaTreeNode in column axis
                  for(int i=0;i<this.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes.Count;i++)
                       //Condition to omit Measure Nodes 
                       if (this.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes[i].NodeType != Syncfusion.OlapSilverlight.Data.MetaTreeNodeType.MeasureGroup)
                             //Iterating each members inside dimension
                             for(int j=0;j<this.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes[i].ChildNodes.Count;j++)
                                  //Condition checking the members checked state  
(this.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].IsSelected == true)
                                      //Retrieving caption of the checked node
                                      childNodeIsSelected =this.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].Caption.ToString();
                                       //Adding name of the checked node in a collection


Partial Public Class MainPage
      Inherits UserControl
        Public Sub New()
               'Triggering Loaded event of OlapClient
                    AddHandler Me.olapClient1.Loaded, AddressOf olapClient1_Loaded
        End Sub
        Private Sub olapClient1_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
                     Dim childNodeCollection As New List(Of String)()
                     Dim metaTreeNodeIsSelected As String= ""
                     Dim childNodeIsSelected As String = ""
                'In this example, column axis in AxisElementBuilder is processed.
                      If Me.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn IsNot Nothing Then
                     'Iterating MetaTreeNode in column axis
                      For i As Integer = 0 To Me.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes.Count – 1
                             'Condition to omit Measure Nodes
                                       If       Me.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes(i).NodeType <> Syncfusion.OlapSilverlight.Data.MetaTreeNodeType.MeasureGroup Then
                                          metaTreeNodeIsSelected = Me.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes(i).IsSelected.ToString()
                                   'Iterating each members inside dimension
                                             For j As Integer = 0 To Me.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes(i).ChildNodes.Count - 1
                                                       If Me.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes(i).ChildNodes(j).IsSelected = True Then
                                             'Retrieving caption of the checked node
                                                       childNodeIsSelected =Me.olapClient1.AxisElementBuilderColumn.MetaTreeNodes(i).ChildNodes(j).Caption.ToString()
                                             'Adding name of the checked node in a collection
                                                       End If
                                                  Next j
                                       End If
                                Next i
                     End If
        End Sub
End Class


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