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How to display the X and Y values while doing MouseMove on the chart?

2 mins read


You can display the X and Y values while doing any Mouse Events like MouseUp, MouseDown, MouseHover, MouseLeave on the chart by using the methods GetValueByPoint which returns the X and Y values of the ChartSeries calculated from the mousepoint and GetPointByValue which returns the X and Y values of the mousepoint calculated from the ChartPoint. Using tooltip we can display the above data. The following code snippet must be given under the Mouse Event handler


private void chartControl1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)


//This gives the corresponding X and Y coordinates of the mouse point.

Point mousePoint = new Point( e.X, e.Y );

 //The GetValueByPoint method returns the X and Y values of the ChartSeries calculated from the mousepoint.

ChartPoint chpt = chartControl1.ChartArea.GetValueByPoint( new Point( e.X, e.Y ) );

 //The GetPointByValue method returns the X and Y values of the mousepoint calculated from the ChartPoint.

Point pt = chartControl1.ChartArea.GetPointByValue( chpt );

 string text = "Mouse point: " + mousePoint.ToString() + "\nResult of method GetValueByPoint: {" + chpt.X .ToString() + "," + chpt.YValues[0].ToString() + "}" + "\nResult of method GetPointByValue: " + pt.ToString();

 //As mouse moves over the chartcontrol this displays the values as ToolTip.





Private Sub chartControl_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ChartControl1.MouseMove

'This gives the corresponding X and Y coordinates of the mouse point.

Dim mousePoint As Point = New Point(e.X, e.Y)

'The GetValueByPoint method returns the X and Y values of the ChartSeries calculated from the mousepoint.

Dim chpt As ChartPoint = ChartControl1.ChartArea.GetValueByPoint(New Point(e.X, e.Y))

'The GetPointByValue method returns the X and Y values of the mousepoint calculated from the ChartPoint.

Dim pt As Point = ChartControl1.ChartArea.GetPointByValue(chpt)

Dim [text] As String = "Mouse point: " + mousePoint.ToString() + vbLf + "Result of method GetValueByPoint: {" + chpt.X.ToString() + "," + chpt.YValues(0).ToString() + "}" + vbLf + "Result of method GetPointByValue: " + pt.ToString()

'As mouse moves over the chartcontrol this displays the values as ToolTip.

ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.ChartControl1, text)

End Sub

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