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How to copy one cell and paste it into all the selected cells in the SfDataGrid like the Excel in WPF ?

2 mins read

In the SfDataGrid, you can copy one cell and paste it into another cell, by default. To copy one cell and paste it into the selected cell, override the GridCutPaste. GridCutPaste class that has many overrides to customize copy and paste operations. To achieve the above requirement, you can override the PasteToCells(object clipboardrows) as given in the following code example.


this.sfdatagrid.GridCopyPaste = new CustomCopyPaste(sfdatagrid);
public class CustomCopyPaste : GridCutCopyPaste
    public CustomCopyPaste(SfDataGrid sfgrid)
        : base(sfgrid)
    protected override void PasteToCells(object clipboardrows)
        var data = (IList)clipboardrows;
        var firstrowdata = Regex.Split(data[0].ToString(), @"\t");
        //Gets the ClipboardText and checks when the clipboard text is more than one cell
        // calls the base.
        if (data.Count > 1 || firstrowdata.Count() > 1)
        //Gets the selected cells to paste the copied cell 
        var selectedcells = this.dataGrid.GetSelectedCells();
        int selectedcellscount = selectedcells.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < selectedcellscount; i++)
            var record = selectedcells[i].RowData;
            var column = selectedcells[i].Column;
            //Calls PasteToCell method with particular record of selectedcells,
            // Column of selected records and rowdata
            PasteToCell(record, column, data[0]);


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I hope you enjoyed learning about how to copy one cell and paste it into all the selected cells in the SfDataGrid like the Excel in WPF.

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