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How to highlight the row headers along with the cell selection?

1 min read

You can highlight the row headers along with the cell selection by using the following two methods.

  1. InternalGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, GridSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
  2. InternalGrid_PrepareRenderCell(object sender, GridPrepareRenderCellEventArgs e)

By calling the SelectionChanged() method, it invalidates the corresponding header cells of selected cells.


void InternalGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, GridSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            _point = Mouse.GetPosition(_grid.InternalGrid);
            _colIndex = _grid.InternalGrid.PointToCellRowColumnIndex(_point);
            if (e.Reason == GridSelectionReason.MouseDown || e.Reason == GridSelectionReason.SetCurrentCell || e.Reason == GridSelectionReason.MouseMove || e.Reason == GridSelectionReason.SelectRange || e.Reason == GridSelectionReason.MouseUp)
                if (_colIndex.ColumnIndex >= _grid.PivotRows.Count - 1)
                    grid.InternalGrid.InvalidateCell(GridRangeInfo.Row(_grid.PivotRows.Count - 1));
                    _grid.InternalGrid.InvalidateCell(GridRangeInfo.Col(_grid.PivotRows.Count - 1));
                    for (int i = _colIndex.ColumnIndex; i < _grid.PivotRows.Count; i++)

By calling the PrepareRenderCell() method, it highlights the row header cells along with the selected cells with customized styles.


void InternalGrid_PrepareRenderCell(object sender, GridPrepareRenderCellEventArgs e)
            _point = Mouse.GetPosition(_grid.InternalGrid);
            _colIndex = _grid.InternalGrid.PointToCellRowColumnIndex(_point);
            if (_colIndex.ColumnIndex >= _grid.PivotRows.Count - 1)
                if (e.Cell.ColumnIndex == _grid.PivotRows.Count - 1 && _grid.InternalGrid.Model.SelectedRanges.AnyRangeIntersects(GridRangeInfo.Row(e.Cell.RowIndex)))
                    e.Style.Background = Brushes.Blue;
                    e.Handled = true;
                for (int i = _colIndex.ColumnIndex; i < _grid.PivotRows.Count; i++)
                    if (e.Cell.ColumnIndex == i && _grid.InternalGrid.Model.SelectedRanges.AnyRangeIntersects(GridRangeInfo.Row(e.Cell.RowIndex)))
                        e.Style.Background = Brushes.Blue;
                        e.Handled = true;


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