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How to customize the splitter color in WinForms GroupBar?

1 min read

Customize the splitter color

In GroupBar, you can change the appearance of the Splitter by using its SplitterColor and EnableSplittercolorCustomization property.  Following code example is to demonstrate the same.


Enable the StackedMode property to display the Splitter inside the GroupBar.


this.groupBar1.StackedMode = true;
// To customize the splitter color
this.groupBar1.Splittercolor = Color.Red;
// To define whether to use default splitter color or customized color
this.groupBar1.EnableSplittercolorCustomization = true;


Me.groupBar1.StackedMode = True
' To customize the splitter color
Me.groupBar1.Splittercolor = Color.Red
' To define whether to use default splitter color or customized color
Me.groupBar1.EnableSplittercolorCustomization = True

The following screenshot displays the customized Splitter in GroupBar.

Customize the splitter in GroupBar

Figure 1: Customized Splitter in GroupBar


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