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What format of JSON data should be used for binding with chart series?

1 min read

The JSON data used for binding with the chart should be an array of objects, containing properties for x value and y value of chart series in each object. The structure of the required JSON data is described as follows.


//JSON data to bind with Chart
var chartData = [
    {   xValue: 'India',   yValue: 35, . . . . . . . . },
    {   xValue: 'Australia',  yValue: 42, . . . . . . . . },
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


In the above code example, the variable chartData contains the JSON data for the Chart. The field xValue represents data used for binding to the x value of series and yValue represents data used for binding to the y value of series. Instead of xValue and yValue, any name can also be used for the fields.

The following code example illustrates binding the JSON data with the Chart.


    series: [{
        //Binding series with a JSON data source
        dataSource: chartData,
        //Mapping name of the field containing X value to series
        xName: 'xValue',
        //Mapping name of the field containing Y value to series
        yName: 'yValue'


The following screenshot displays the chart bound with JSON data source.

Figure: Chart bounded to data source

JS Playground sample link: Data binding

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