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How to make filter bar use textboxes and have display respond to each keystroke?

1 min read


To get Textbox filtering, you can derive the GridFilterBar class and handle the CurrentCellChanged event handler. Below is the code snippet:


public class GridTextBoxFilterBar : GridFilterBar


private GridDataBoundGrid _grid;

private DataTable _dataTable;

private DataSet ds;

public override void WireGrid(Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridDataBoundGrid grid,

Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridStyleInfo style)


if(_grid != null)


if(grid != null)


_dataTable = grid.DataSource as DataTable;

if(_dataTable == null)


ds = grid.DataSource as DataSet;

if(ds != null)


_dataTable = ds.Tables[grid.DataMember];



if(_dataTable != null)


//add a fixed row at the top



int _row = grid.Model.Rows.HeaderCount;

grid.Model.Rows.FrozenCount = grid.Model.Rows.FrozenCount + 1;

grid.Model.ChangeCells(GridRangeInfo.Cells(_row, 1, _row, grid.Model.ColCount), style, StyleModifyType.Override);

GridBorder border = grid.BaseStylesMap["Standard"].StyleInfo.Borders.Right;

for(int col = 1; col <= grid.Model.ColCount; ++col)


grid[_row, col].Borders.Right = border;


grid.CurrentCellChanged += new EventHandler(grid_FilterCellChanged);



_grid = grid;




Public Class GridTextBoxFilterBar : Inherits GridFilterBar

Private _grid As GridDataBoundGrid

Private _dataTable As DataTable

Private ds As DataSet

Public overloads Overrides Sub WireGrid(ByVal grid As Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridDataBoundGrid, ByVal style As


If Not _grid Is Nothing Then


End If

If Not grid Is Nothing Then

_dataTable = CType(IIf(TypeOf grid.DataSource Is DataTable, grid.DataSource, Nothing), DataTable)

If _dataTable Is Nothing Then

ds = CType(IIf(TypeOf grid.DataSource Is DataSet, grid.DataSource, Nothing), DataSet)

If Not ds Is Nothing Then

_dataTable = ds.Tables(grid.DataMember)

End If

End If

If Not _dataTable Is Nothing Then

'add a fixed row at the top

grid.Model.Data.RowCount += 1

grid.Model.Rows.HeaderCount += 1

Dim _row As Integer = grid.Model.Rows.HeaderCount

grid.Model.Rows.FrozenCount = grid.Model.Rows.FrozenCount + 1

grid.Model.ChangeCells(GridRangeInfo.Cells(_row, 1, _row, grid.Model.ColCount), style, StyleModifyType.Override)

Dim border As GridBorder = grid.BaseStylesMap("Standard").StyleInfo.Borders.Right

Dim col As Integer = 1

Do While col <= grid.Model.ColCount

grid(_row, col).Borders.Right = border

col += 1


AddHandler grid.CurrentCellChanged, AddressOf grid_FilterCellChanged

End If

End If

_grid = grid

End Sub

End Class


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