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How do I make my GridFilterBar use an autocomplete combo box in GridDataBoundGrid?

1 min read


A FilterBar is a row of comboboxes that, are displayed at the top of the grid and which, will allow you to filter the grid by selecting items from the comboboxes. The combobox entries are generated from the unique values that are in the column. You can also do more complex filtering through a custom filter dialog.

To get the autocomplete using the standard GridFilterBar, you have to set the DropDownStyle property.


GridStyleInfo style = new GridStyleInfo();

style.ModifyStyle(this.gridDataBoundGrid1.BaseStylesMap["Header"].StyleInfo, StyleModifyType.Copy);

style.CellType = "ComboBox";

style.ExclusiveChoiceList = true;

style.BaseStyle = "Standard";

style.Font.Bold = false;

style.BackColor = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.TableStyle.BackColor;

style.Borders.Bottom = new GridBorder(GridBorderStyle.Dashed);

style.DropDownStyle = GridDropDownStyle.AutoComplete;

theFilterBar.WireGrid(this.gridDataBoundGrid1, style);


Dim style As New GridStyleInfo()

style.ModifyStyle(Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.BaseStylesMap("Header").StyleInfo, StyleModifyType.Copy)

style.CellType = "ComboBox"

style.ExclusiveChoiceList = True

style.BaseStyle = "Standard"

style.Font.Bold = False

style.BackColor = Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.TableStyle.BackColor

style.Borders.Bottom = New GridBorder(GridBorderStyle.Dashed)

style.DropDownStyle = GridDropDownStyle.AutoComplete

theFilterBar.WireGrid(Me.gridDataBoundGrid1, style)


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