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How to edit a RichText cell in GridControl?

7 mins read

By default, the WinForms Grid control in the library allows you to edit richtext via a dropdown panel. It does not allow you to edit the text in place. You can derive the GridRichTextBoxCellModel and GridRichTextBoxCellRenderer classes to use an embedded RichTextBox in the cell to do active editing.


Creating CellModel

Refer to the following code to create the CustomCellModel.


public class InPlaceRichTextCellModel : GridTextBoxCellModel
    private RichTextBox rtb;
    public InPlaceRichTextCellModel(GridModel grid)
 : base(grid)
 rtb = new RichTextBox();
 rtb.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None;
 rtb.Location = new Point(-1000, -1000);
 rtb.Visible = false;
    private InPlaceRichTextCellRenderer renderer = null;
    public override GridCellRendererBase CreateRenderer(GridControlBase control)
 renderer = new InPlaceRichTextCellRenderer(control, this);
 return renderer;
    protected override Size OnQueryPrefferedClientSize(Graphics g, int rowIndex, int colIndex, GridStyleInfo style, GridQueryBounds queryBounds)
 //Do not resize col width...
 //  'in versions >=, use WinFormsUtils.MeasureSampleWString instead of GridCellModelBase.MeasureSampleWString
 // Size clientSize = new Size(this.Grid.ColWidths[colIndex], WinFormsUtils.MeasureSampleWString(g, style.GdipFont).Height);
 Size clientSize = new Size(this.Grid.ColWidths[colIndex], GridCellModelBase.MeasureSampleWString(g, style.GdipFont).Height);
 rtb.Width = clientSize.Width - style.BorderMargins.Left - style.BorderMargins.Right - this.ButtonBarSize.Width; 
 if (Grid.ActiveGridView == null || !Grid.ActiveGridView.CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex)
    || Grid.ActiveGridView.CurrentCell.StaticDrawing)
    if(style.CellValue != null)
  rtb.Rtf = style.CellValue.ToString();
  rtb.Rtf = @"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17\par}";
    rtb.Rtf = ((RichTextBox)this.renderer.TextBox).Rtf;
    //Insert \par to go to the next line.
    rtb.SelectionLength = 0;//rtb.TextLength;
    rtb.SelectionLength = 0;
    rtb.SelectedRtf = @"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17\par}";
    int height =  rtb.GetPositionFromCharIndex(rtb.TextLength).Y  + style.BorderMargins.Top + style.BorderMargins.Bottom + rtb.SelectionFont.Height / 2;
          return new Size(this.Grid.ColWidths[colIndex], height);



Public Class InPlaceRichTextCellModel
 Inherits GridTextBoxCellModel
 Private rtb As RichTextBox
 Public Sub New(ByVal grid As GridModel)
 rtb = New RichTextBox()
 rtb.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None
 rtb.Location = New Point(-1000, -1000)
 rtb.Visible = False
 End Sub
 Private renderer As InPlaceRichTextCellRenderer = Nothing
 Public Overrides Function CreateRenderer(ByVal control As GridControlBase) As GridCellRendererBase
 renderer = New InPlaceRichTextCellRenderer(control, Me)
 Return renderer
 End Function
 Protected Overrides Function OnQueryPrefferedClientSize(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal rowIndex As Integer, ByVal colIndex As Integer, ByVal style As GridStyleInfo, ByVal queryBounds As GridQueryBounds) As Size
 'Do not resize col width...
 '  'in versions >=, use WinFormsUtils.MeasureSampleWString instead of GridCellModelBase.MeasureSampleWString
 ' Size clientSize = new Size(this.Grid.ColWidths[colIndex], WinFormsUtils.MeasureSampleWString(g, style.GdipFont).Height);
 Dim clientSize As New Size(Me.Grid.ColWidths(colIndex), GridCellModelBase.MeasureSampleWString(g, style.GdipFont).Height)
 rtb.Width = clientSize.Width - style.BorderMargins.Left - style.BorderMargins.Right - Me.ButtonBarSize.Width
 If Grid.ActiveGridView Is Nothing OrElse (Not Grid.ActiveGridView.CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex)) OrElse Grid.ActiveGridView.CurrentCell.StaticDrawing Then
    If style.CellValue IsNot Nothing Then
  rtb.Rtf = style.CellValue.ToString()
  rtb.Rtf = "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17\par}"
    End If
    rtb.Rtf = (CType(Me.renderer.TextBox, RichTextBox)).Rtf
 End If
    'Insert \par to go to the next line.
    rtb.SelectionLength = 0 'rtb.TextLength;
    rtb.SelectionLength = 0
    rtb.SelectedRtf = "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17\par}"
    Dim height As Integer = rtb.GetPositionFromCharIndex(rtb.TextLength).Y + style.BorderMargins.Top + style.BorderMargins.Bottom + rtb.SelectionFont.Height \ 2
    Return New Size(Me.Grid.ColWidths(colIndex), height)
 End Function
End Class


Creating CellRenderer

The following code is used to create the custom CellRenderer.


public class InPlaceRichTextCellRenderer : GridTextBoxCellRenderer 
    //Used for in-place editing.
    GridTextBoxControl activeRichTextBox;
    RichTextBox staticRichTextBox;
    //Used to display context menu for active edit control.
    //Public; so you can modify it.
    public ContextMenu RtbContextMenu;
    public InPlaceRichTextCellRenderer(GridControlBase grid, GridCellModelBase cellModel)
 : base(grid, cellModel)
 SupportsFocusControl = true;
 //Removes the button.
 //this.Model.ButtonBarSize = new Size(1,1);
 activeRichTextBox = this.TextBox as GridTextBoxControl;//new GridTextBoxControl(this);
 staticRichTextBox = new RichTextBox();
 activeRichTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
 staticRichTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
       //activeRichTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(activeRichTextBox_TextChanged);
 RtbContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[]
        new MenuItem("Copy", new EventHandler(copyClick)),
        new MenuItem("Paste", new EventHandler(pasteClick)),
        new MenuItem("-"),
        new MenuItem("Change Font", new EventHandler(fontClick)) 
 activeRichTextBox.ContextMenu = RtbContextMenu;
 RtbContextMenu.Popup += new EventHandler(contextMenu_Popup);
       #region Context menu handlers . . .
  #region helper methods for the renderer class . . . 
  #region base class overrides . . .



Public Class InPlaceRichTextCellRenderer
 Inherits GridTextBoxCellRenderer
 'Used for in-place editing.
 Private activeRichTextBox As GridTextBoxControl
 Private staticRichTextBox As RichTextBox
 'Used to display context menu for active edit control.
 'Public; so you can modify it.
 Public RtbContextMenu As ContextMenu
 Public Sub New(ByVal grid As GridControlBase, ByVal cellModel As GridCellModelBase)
  MyBase.New(grid, cellModel)
 SupportsFocusControl = True
 'Removes the button.
 'this.Model.ButtonBarSize = new Size(1,1);
 activeRichTextBox = TryCast(Me.TextBox, GridTextBoxControl) 'new GridTextBoxControl(this);
 staticRichTextBox = New RichTextBox()
 activeRichTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
 staticRichTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
    'activeRichTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(activeRichTextBox_TextChanged);
 RtbContextMenu = New ContextMenu(New MenuItem() { New MenuItem("Copy", New EventHandler(AddressOf copyClick)), New MenuItem("Paste", New EventHandler(AddressOf pasteClick)), New MenuItem("-"), New MenuItem("Change Font", New EventHandler(AddressOf fontClick)) })
 activeRichTextBox.ContextMenu = RtbContextMenu
 AddHandler RtbContextMenu.Popup, AddressOf contextMenu_Popup
 End Sub
  #Region "Context menu handlers . . ."
  #End Region
  #Region "helper methods for the renderer class . . .    "
  #End Region
  #Region "base class overrides . . ."
  #End Region
End Class


Context Menu Handlers


private void contextMenu_Popup(object sender, EventArgs e)
     RtbContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Enabled = CanCopy();
     RtbContextMenu.MenuItems[1].Enabled = CanPaste();
private void copyClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void pasteClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void fontClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
 FontDialog fontDialog1 = new FontDialog();
 fontDialog1.ShowColor = true;
 fontDialog1.Font = activeRichTextBox.SelectionFont;
 fontDialog1.Color = activeRichTextBox.SelectionColor;
 if(fontDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel )
  activeRichTextBox.SelectionFont = fontDialog1.Font;
  activeRichTextBox.SelectionColor = fontDialog1.Color;



Private Sub contextMenu_Popup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
  RtbContextMenu.MenuItems(0).Enabled = CanCopy()
  RtbContextMenu.MenuItems(1).Enabled = CanPaste()
End Sub
Private Sub copyClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub pasteClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub fontClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
 Dim fontDialog1 As New FontDialog()
 fontDialog1.ShowColor = True
 fontDialog1.Font = activeRichTextBox.SelectionFont
 fontDialog1.Color = activeRichTextBox.SelectionColor
 If fontDialog1.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.Cancel Then
  activeRichTextBox.SelectionFont = fontDialog1.Font
  activeRichTextBox.SelectionColor = fontDialog1.Color
 End If
End Sub


Helper methods for the renderer class

The following code is used to create helper method.


//Used to set cell changes flag.
private void activeRichTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 this.Grid.CurrentCell.IsModified = true;
void AssignRtf(RichTextBox rtb, string rtf)
 if (Syncfusion.Drawing.RichTextPaint.IsValidRtf(rtf))
  rtb.Rtf = rtf;
  rtb.Text = rtf;
protected void FixControlParent(Control control)
 if (control.Parent != Grid || !control.Visible)
    control.Location = new Point(10000, 10000);
          control.CausesValidation = false;
    control.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None;
    control.Dock = DockStyle.None;
    control.Visible = true;



'Used to set cell changes flag.
Private Sub activeRichTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
 Me.Grid.CurrentCell.IsModified = True
End Sub
Private Sub AssignRtf(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal rtf As String)
 If Syncfusion.Drawing.RichTextPaint.IsValidRtf(rtf) Then
  rtb.Rtf = rtf
  rtb.Text = rtf
 End If
End Sub
Protected Sub FixControlParent(ByVal control As Control)
 If control.Parent <> Grid OrElse (Not control.Visible) Then
    control.Location = New Point(10000, 10000)
    control.CausesValidation = False
    control.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
    control.Dock = DockStyle.None
    control.Visible = True
 End If
End Sub



//Used to set cell changes flag.
private void activeRichTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Grid.CurrentCell.IsModified = true;
void AssignRtf(RichTextBox rtb, string rtf)
   if (Syncfusion.Drawing.RichTextPaint.IsValidRtf(rtf))
 rtb.Rtf = rtf;
 rtb.Text = rtf;
protected void FixControlParent(Control control)
 if (control.Parent != Grid || !control.Visible)
    control.Location = new Point(10000, 10000);
          control.CausesValidation = false;
    control.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None;
    control.Dock = DockStyle.None;
 Control.Visible = true;



'Used to set cell changes flag.
Private Sub activeRichTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
 Me.Grid.CurrentCell.IsModified = True
End Sub
Private Sub AssignRtf(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal rtf As String)
 If Syncfusion.Drawing.RichTextPaint.IsValidRtf(rtf) Then
  rtb.Rtf = rtf
  rtb.Text = rtf
 End If
End Sub
Protected Sub FixControlParent(ByVal control As Control)
 If control.Parent <> Grid OrElse (Not control.Visible) Then
    control.Location = New Point(10000, 10000)
    control.CausesValidation = False
    control.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
    control.Dock = DockStyle.None
    control.Visible = True
 End If
End Sub


Event overrides OnDraw

To handle drawing on cell.


protected override void OnDraw(Graphics g, Rectangle clientRectangle, int rowIndex, int colIndex, GridStyleInfo style) 
    Rectangle textRectangle = RemoveMargins(clientRectangle, style);
    if (CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex) && 
 HasControlValue && ShouldDrawFocused(rowIndex, colIndex) && CurrentCell.IsEditing)
   // Position current grid.
   activeRichTextBox.Bounds = textRectangle;//clientRectangle;
   activeRichTextBox.BackColor = style.BackColor;
    string rtf;
    if (CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex) && CurrentCell.IsModified && HasControlValue)
    rtf = ControlValue.ToString();
    rtf = style.Text;
          Rectangle clipBounds = GetCellBoundsCore(rowIndex, colIndex, true);
    Color backColor = Color.FromArgb(255, style.Interior.BackColor);
          textRectangle = new Rectangle(textRectangle.X + 1, textRectangle.Y, textRectangle.Width - 3, textRectangle.Height);   
 //in versions >=, use
 //RichTextPaint.DrawRichText(g, staticRichTextBox, rtf, Grid.PrintingMode, Grid.GridBounds, textRectangle, 
 // clipBounds, backColor, style.WrapText, 100, Grid.IsRightToLeft());
 RichTextPaint.DrawRichText(g, staticRichTextBox, rtf, Grid.PrintingMode, Grid.GridBounds, textRectangle, 
 clipBounds, backColor, style.WrapText, 100);



Protected Overrides Sub OnDraw(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal clientRectangle As Rectangle, ByVal rowIndex As Integer, ByVal colIndex As Integer, ByVal style As GridStyleInfo)
 Dim textRectangle As Rectangle = RemoveMargins(clientRectangle, style)
 If CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex) AndAlso HasControlValue AndAlso ShouldDrawFocused(rowIndex, colIndex) AndAlso CurrentCell.IsEditing Then
   ' Position current grid.
    activeRichTextBox.Bounds = textRectangle 'clientRectangle;
    activeRichTextBox.BackColor = style.BackColor
   If Not activeRichTextBox.Focused Then
   End If
    Dim rtf As String
    If CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex) AndAlso CurrentCell.IsModified AndAlso HasControlValue Then
    rtf = ControlValue.ToString()
    rtf = style.Text
 End If
        Dim clipBounds As Rectangle = GetCellBoundsCore(rowIndex, colIndex, True)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dim backColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, style.Interior.BackColor)
    textRectangle = New Rectangle(textRectangle.X + 1, textRectangle.Y, textRectangle.Width - 3, textRectangle.Height)
 'in versions >=, use
 'RichTextPaint.DrawRichText(g, staticRichTextBox, rtf, Grid.PrintingMode, Grid.GridBounds, textRectangle, 
 ' clipBounds, backColor, style.WrapText, 100, Grid.IsRightToLeft());
 RichTextPaint.DrawRichText(g, staticRichTextBox, rtf, Grid.PrintingMode, Grid.GridBounds, textRectangle, clipBounds, backColor, style.WrapText, 100)
 End If
End Sub



To set value into the cell control and initialize it.


protected override void OnInitialize(int rowIndex, int colIndex)
    base.OnInitialize(rowIndex, colIndex);
    ControlValue = this.Grid.Model[rowIndex, colIndex].CellValue;
    if(this.ControlValue == null)
    this.ControlValue = "";
    AssignRtf(activeRichTextBox, this.ControlValue.ToString());
    this.Grid.CurrentCell.IsModified = false;



Protected Overrides Sub OnInitialize(ByVal rowIndex As Integer, ByVal colIndex As Integer)
 MyBase.OnInitialize(rowIndex, colIndex)
 ControlValue = Me.Grid.Model(rowIndex, colIndex).CellValue
 If Me.ControlValue Is Nothing Then
 Me.ControlValue = ""
 End If
 AssignRtf(activeRichTextBox, Me.ControlValue.ToString())
 Me.Grid.CurrentCell.IsModified = False
End Sub




protected override void OnClick(int rowIndex, int colIndex, MouseEventArgs e)
 if (this.Grid.CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex))
     // Activate textbox and show caret.
     GridCellLayout layout = GetCellLayout(rowIndex, colIndex, Grid.Model[rowIndex, colIndex]);
     bool clickOnCell = layout.ClientRectangle.Contains(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
     bool beginEdit = false;
     if (clickOnCell && (Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior & (GridCellActivateAction.ClickOnCell)) != 0
     || (Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior & GridCellActivateAction.SetCurrent) != 0)
    beginEdit = true;
  if (beginEdit)
     if ((Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior & GridCellActivateAction.SelectAll) == 0)
   if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Lef&& (Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior & GridCellActivateAction.PositionCaret) != 0)
      Point loc = layout.TextRectangle.Location;
      Point p = new Point(e.X-loc.X, e.Y-loc.Y);                                               Syncfusion.Drawing.ActiveXSnapshot.FakeLeftMouseClick(this.activeRichTextBox, p);
       Point loc = layout.TextRectangle.Location;
       Point p = new Point(e.X-loc.X, e.Y-loc.Y);
   ControlMouseDown(this, new MouseEventArgs(e.Button, e.Clicks, p.X, p.Y, 0));
       Point loc = layout.TextRectangle.Location;
       Point p = new Point(e.X-loc.X, e.Y-loc.Y);
   ControlMouseDown(this, new MouseEventArgs(e.Button, e.Clicks, p.X, p.Y, 0));
base.OnClick(rowIndex, colIndex, e);



Protected Overrides Sub OnClick(ByVal rowIndex As Integer, ByVal colIndex As Integer, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
 If Me.Grid.CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(rowIndex, colIndex) Then
  ' Activate textbox and show caret.
  Dim layout As GridCellLayout = GetCellLayout(rowIndex, colIndex, Grid.Model(rowIndex, colIndex))
  Dim clickOnCell As Boolean = layout.ClientRectangle.Contains(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
  Dim beginEdit As Boolean = False
  If clickOnCell AndAlso (Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior And (GridCellActivateAction.ClickOnCell)) <> 0 OrElse (Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior And GridCellActivateAction.SetCurrent) <> 0 Then
    beginEdit = True
  End If
  If beginEdit Then
     If (Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior And GridCellActivateAction.SelectAll) = 0 Then
   If e.Button = MouseButtons.Lef AndAlso (Grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior And GridCellActivateAction.PositionCaret) <> 0 Then
        Dim loc As Point = layout.TextRectangle.Location
        Dim p As New Point(e.X-loc.X, e.Y-loc.Y)        Syncfusion.Drawing.ActiveXSnapshot.FakeLeftMouseClick(Me.activeRichTextBox, p)
    Dim loc As Point = layout.TextRectangle.Location
    Dim p As New Point(e.X-loc.X, e.Y-loc.Y)
 ControlMouseDown(Me, New MouseEventArgs(e.Button, e.Clicks, p.X, p.Y, 0))
   End If
    Dim loc As Point = layout.TextRectangle.Location
    Dim p As New Point(e.X-loc.X, e.Y-loc.Y)
  ControlMouseDown(Me, New MouseEventArgs(e.Button, e.Clicks, p.X, p.Y, 0))
   End If
  End If
 End If
MyBase.OnClick(rowIndex, colIndex, e)
End Sub


Copy Paste overrides


public override bool CanPaste()
    bool ok = false;
    foreach(string s in Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetFormats())
 if(s == "Rich Text Format Without Objects")
    ok = true;
    return ok;
public override bool CanCopy()
     return  activeRichTextBox.SelectionLength != 0;
public override bool Copy()
    if (this.HasFocusControl && this.activeRichTextBox.SelectionLength == 0)
 return false;
    if (CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(RowIndex, ColIndex) && HasControlValue)
    return true; 
public override bool Paste()
    if (this.activeRichTextBox.ReadOnly)
 return false;
    if (CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(RowIndex, ColIndex) && HasControlValue)
 return true;
    return false;



Public Overrides Function CanPaste() As Boolean
 Dim ok As Boolean = False
 For Each s As String In Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetFormats()
 If s = "Rich Text Format Without Objects" Then
    ok = True
    Exit For
 End If
 Next s
 Return ok
End Function
Public Overrides Function CanCopy() As Boolean
  Return activeRichTextBox.SelectionLength <> 0
End Function
Public Overrides Function Copy() As Boolean
 If Me.HasFocusControl AndAlso Me.activeRichTextBox.SelectionLength = 0 Then
 Return False
 End If
 If CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(RowIndex, ColIndex) AndAlso HasControlValue Then
 End If
 Return True
End Function
Public Overrides Function Paste() As Boolean
 If Me.activeRichTextBox.ReadOnly Then
 Return False
 End If
 If CurrentCell.HasCurrentCellAt(RowIndex, ColIndex) AndAlso HasControlValue Then
 Return True
 End If
 Return False
End Function


Adding CellModel


this.gridControl1.CellModels.Add("InPlaceRTB", new InPlaceRichTextCellModel(this.gridControl1.Model));



Me.gridControl1.CellModels.Add("InPlaceRTB", New InPlaceRichTextCellModel(Me.gridControl1.Model))


Assigning CellType


GridStyleInfo style = this.gridControl1[2,2];
style.CellType = "InPlaceRTB";



Me.gridControl1.CellModels.Add("InPlaceRTB", New InPlaceRichTextCellModel(Me.gridControl1.Model))



Showing edited place in WinForms Grid control

Figure 1: In place editing in RichText cell

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