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How to get the cell details on clicking the PivotGrid cells in .NET WebForms ?

2 mins read

This KB illustrates that how to get the cell details on clicking the PivotGrid cells.


To get the cell details on clicking the PivotGrid cells, define the client-side event function, valueCellClick for the value cells, and the function gets the name of the Measure and Dimension and displays it in an alert box.

To get the measure and dimension name on clicking the value cells hyperlink, use the following code example.


<script type="text/javascript">
 $(function () {
       hyperlinkSettings: {
           enableValueCellHyperlink: true,
           enableRowHeaderHyperlink: true,
           enableColumnHeaderHyperlink: true,
           enableSummaryCellHyperlink: true
       valueCellHyperlinkClick: "valueCellClick",
       rowHeaderHyperlinkClick: "rowHeaderClick",
       columnHeaderHyperlinkClick: "columnHeaderClick",
       summaryCellHyperlinkClick: "summaryCellClick",
       url: "../wcf/OLAPService.svc",
       layout: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.Normal
     onClear = function () {
     valueCellClick = function (e) {
            var report;
            try { report = JSON.parse(this.getOlapReport()).Report; }
            catch (err) { report = this.getOlapReport(); }
            this.doAjaxPost("POST", "/wcf/OLAPService.svc/HyperlinkManipulation", JSON.stringify({ cellPosition: e.args, olapReport: report }), function (args) {
                alert("Measure : " + args.d[0].Value + "\nRow     : " + JSON.parse(args.d[1].Value) + "\nColumn  : " + JSON.parse(args.d[2].Value));
     rowHeaderClick = function (evt) {
          alert("RowHeaderCellClick event is fired");
     columnHeaderClick = function (evt) {
           alert("ColumnHeaderCellClick event is fired");
     summaryCellClick = function (evt) {
            alert("SummaryCellClick event is fired");



@Html.EJ().Pivot().PivotGrid("PivotGrid1").Url("/wcf/OLAPService.svc").Layout(PivotGridLayout.Normal).ClientSideEvents(events=>events.ValueCellHyperlinkClick("valueCellClick").RowHeaderHyperlinkClick("rowHeaderClick").ColumnHeaderHyperlinkClick("columnHeaderClick").SummaryCellHyperlinkClick("summaryCellClick")).HyperlinkSettings(hypLink => hypLink.EnableColumnHeaderHyperlink(true).EnableRowHeaderHyperlink(true).EnableValueCellHyperlink(true).EnableSummaryCellHyperlink(true))
<script type="text/javascript">
        onClear = function () {
        valueCellClick = function (e) {
            var report;
            try { report = JSON.parse(this.getOlapReport()).Report; }
            catch (err) { report = this.getOlapReport(); }
            this.doAjaxPost("POST", "/wcf/OLAPService.svc/HyperlinkManipulation", JSON.stringify({ cellPosition: e.args, olapReport: report }), function (args) {
                alert("Measure : " + args.d[0].Value + "\nRow     : " + JSON.parse(args.d[1].Value) + "\nColumn  : " + JSON.parse(args.d[2].Value));
        rowHeaderClick = function (evt) {
            alert("RowHeaderCellClick event is fired");
        columnHeaderClick = function (evt) {
            alert("ColumnHeaderCellClick event is fired");
        summaryCellClick = function (evt) {
            alert("SummaryCellClick event is fired");



<ej:PivotGrid ID="PivotGrid1" runat="server" Url="../wcf/OLAPService.svc" Layout="Normal">
   <HyperlinkSettings EnableColumnHeaderHyperlink="true" EnableRowHeaderHyperlink="true" EnableSummaryCellHyperlink ="true" EnableValueCellHyperlink="true" />
    <ClientSideEvents ValueCellHyperlinkClick="valueCellClick" RowHeaderHyperlinkClick="rowHeaderClick " ColumnHeaderHyperlinkClick=" columnHeaderClick " SummaryCellHyperlinkClick=" summaryCellClick " />
<script type="text/javascript">
        onClear = function () {
        valueCellClick = function (e) {
            var report;
            try { report = JSON.parse(this.getOlapReport()).Report; }
            catch (err) { report = this.getOlapReport(); }
            this.doAjaxPost("POST", "/wcf/OLAPService.svc/HyperlinkManipulation", JSON.stringify({ cellPosition: e.args, olapReport: report }), function (args) {
                alert("Measure : " + args.d[0].Value + "\nRow     : " + JSON.parse(args.d[1].Value) + "\nColumn  : " + JSON.parse(args.d[2].Value));
        rowHeaderClick = function (evt) {
            alert("RowHeaderCellClick event is fired");
        columnHeaderClick = function (evt) {
            alert("ColumnHeaderCellClick event is fired");
        summaryCellClick = function (evt) {
            alert("SummaryCellClick event is fired");



public Dictionary<string, object> HyperlinkManipulation(string cellPosition, string olapReport)
            OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
            var pEngine = DataManager.ExecuteOlapTable(Syncfusion.Olap.Engine.GridLayout.Normal);
            string[] indexVal = cellPosition.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            Syncfusion.Olap.Engine.PivotCellDescriptor selectedCellData = pEngine.TableColumns[Convert.ToInt32(indexVal[0])].Cells[Convert.ToInt32(indexVal[1])];
            Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            dict.Add("measure", selectedCellData.CellData.Measure);
            dict.Add("row", serializer.Serialize(selectedCellData.CellData.Rows));
            dict.Add("column", serializer.Serialize(selectedCellData.CellData.Columns));
            return dict;



Public Function HyperlinkManipulation(ByVal cellPosition As String, ByVal olapReport As String) As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
  Dim DataManager As OlapDataManager = New OlapDataManager(connectionString)        DataManager.SetCurrentReport(Utils.DeserializeOlapReport(olapReport))        Dim pEngine As var = DataManager.ExecuteOlapTable(Syncfusion.Olap.Engine.GridLayout.Normal)        Dim indexVal() As String = cellPosition.Split(New Char() {Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(44)})        Dim selectedCellData As Syncfusion.Olap.Engine.PivotCellDescriptor = pEngine.TableColumns(Convert.ToInt32(indexVal(0))).Cells(Convert.ToInt32(indexVal(1)))        Dim dict As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)        dict.Add("measure", selectedCellData.CellData.Measure)        dict.Add("row", serializer.Serialize(selectedCellData.CellData.Rows))        dict.Add("column", serializer.Serialize(selectedCellData.CellData.Columns))        Return dict
End Function



I hope you enjoyed learning about how to get the cell details on clicking the PivotGrid cells in .NET WebForms.

You can refer to our .NET WebForms PivotGrid featuretour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations and documentation, and how to quickly get started for configuration specifications. You can also explore our WinRT DataGrid example to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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